TrumpFan1966 #conspiracy
Donald Trump is a Rothschild puppet.
There is simply no other conclusion to reach if you start connecting the dots.
Look who owned Resorts International (and its history) before Trump bought it. This is significant.
Look who bailed Trump out of all of his failed businesses, particularly the casinos (now look who that person worked for. Starts with an "R" ends with a "d". This person is now our Commerce Secretary).
Look who Trump has appointed throughout his cabinet.
Look who Ivanka used to date.
Look who Steve Munchkin used to work for.
Look who Jared Kushner has worked with.
Look who Trump has worked with.
Look who just staged the Syria false flag.
I mean... this stuff would be fucking comical, if it weren't so sickening.
I understand the "media hates him", but keep in mind, the elites rule through divide and conquer, and through the Right / Left Paradigm. Or have we forgotten that around here?
We now must ask, Is Trump in on it, an unknowing dupe or just an actor?
I'd venture to say carefully groomed for many years, and propped up by forces around him, to play a role. His character utterly scrutinized from A to Z through algorithms used by the elites surrounding him. They know him head to toe, how he will act, behave, respond.
Remember, Trump's politics have wildly differed over the years.
In 1999, he basically said Pat Buchanan was a racist, and slammed The Reform Party for making him the nominee.
He said Oprah would be a great president.
He issued a public plan to force rich people to pay a one-time "luxury tax" to pay off the debt.
He's contradicted himself thousands of times.
We have no idea what his principles are. We just know for the election he took on a wildly populist, pro-America, somewhat right-wing, anti-Establishment position.
Take a look at his meetings with foreign leaders now that he is president. Most of the time he does not wear the translation earpiece! Look it up on YouTube. He has no idea what they are saying, yet he sits there and nods.
Trump did not write a single word of "The Art of the Deal". This is a fact, look it up.
Trump once said if he wasn't a "businessman", he'd have gotten into the movies and gone to Hollywood.
Trump, when asked on Letterman years ago what he'd do if he "lost it all", said he'd open a marketing firm. The crowd booed, expecting him to say he'd start over in business, rather than find a way to promote himself.
Trump actually is an actor. Look at his Wiki bio or IMDB profile.
Think about all of this.
Add it up, critically.
Take your blinders off.
Stop putting your FAITH in a man.
We are so far down the line.
We got played.
He was our only choice, but it really wasn't a choice at all. Hillary or Trump? No difference.
In some sense, this is worse, because we actually think we won, when we didn't. At least with Hillary we know who the enemy is.
It was hard for me to write this, because I believed in Trump -- with a few doubts -- but this is the truth.
You cannot deny Trump's Rothschild and Soros connections. You cannot. They're all there, all intertwined.
Trump was consistently propped up despite his business failures over the years by these very people, and now they own him, and he's paid them back by dutifully appointing them to key positions in government.
Furthermore, very little has fundamentally changed.
We see what are largely "window dressing" promise-fulfillments, lacking teeth. E.O.'s, but no meaningful legislation. We see Trump issue a ban on 7 Muslim countries, but not Saudi Arabia. We see Trump lay down to the court rulings.
We see Trump entirely endorsing Ryancare and blasting the Freedom Caucus, with seemingly little interest in the details of the health care plan.
We see Trump completely go back on his promise to "lock her up" (he now calls the Clintons "good people").
Trump is not in control.
We see a man either following a script provided to him, or a man totally in the dark, and "winging" it as he goes along.
He is not leading. He is not "draining the Swamp". Little has changed.
His token gestures and reassurances are simply there to keep the "base" shored up, and from engaging in outright revolt.
We see a man who does what he is told, and trusts all the wrong people.
I don't know the full story, but what you see above IS the truth -- not all of it -- but a bit part of it.
I'll remind you this is a conspiracy site, where we should be allowed to openly QUESTION things around us.
The greatest TRICK the DEVIL ever played was convincing the world HE DID NOT EXIST.