[More objection to atheists using 'Oh my God!']
the fact that you are claiming possesion to a God you do not even believe in and using that possession for, what we consider, a sinful purpose. And, in a small way, you are mocking us because it isn't your God if you understand what I'm saying.
It's called a figure of speech, a vernacular expression, an exclamation, an expostulation. It's not intended as a theological statement, and it is just insanity to insist on taking it as such.
~David D.G.
"And, in a small way, you are mocking us because it isn't your God"
Hell, I mock you in a big way, too!
Why? You make it soooooo easy!
the reason we use that expression is because it is so deeply inbedded in the English language and we have heard it so many times that it becomes automatic. it means nothing except that, at least in some instances, we find your utter stupidity astounding.
I actually prefer "oh your god", "oh your fucking god", "oh their god" or "oh their fucking god".
OYG, OYFG, OTG and OTFG are also acceptable.
"And, in a small way, you are mocking us because it isn't your God if you understand what I'm saying"
Make your God appear to me in physical form that can be seen, heard & touched (and no, not Jesus), so he can speak for himself. Until you can, therefore God doesn't exist . Prove otherwise. Thus blasphemy is a victim less crime. And if you aren't being insulted personally (even if you are, grow a thicker skin already!), why should you care what others say?
"a God you do not even believe in and using that possession for, what we consider, a sinful purpose"
'Sin' is defined as disobeying divine law, or going against rules laid down by a deity. But since we Atheists refuse to acknowledge the existence of a 'God(s)', until proof of such can be provided to our satisfaction (see above), then we're not sinners! And you're not God, therefore you can't consider for someone who can't speak for himself. And why is that?
Because he doesn't exist .
I tend to say "by the gods", "by the old ones" or "gods above/below", actually. It makes more sense, in several ways. First, if one god exists, why can't others? Second, all major gods are quite old. Third, it sounds better and more unique than something that's been overused for millenia.
I always enjoyed exclaiming "By the Great, Mighty Satan!"
Yeah, i get funny looks, but it's worth it. Herman Melville wouldn't complain if we said "By Moby's Dick!" so why are you so upset by us using YOUR made up character? Grow up, you baby.
Sad that you get offended by spoken words, but yet you aren't more offended by priests raping and abusing young children and the church intentionally covering it up?
Don't ever watch Tim Minchin's "The Pope Song" on YouTube then.
“the fact that you are claiming possesion to a God you do not even believe in and using that possession for, what we consider, a sinful purpose.”
I do not believe in any gods, no matter what i say due to social conditioning. The people around me say OMG, so i do as well.
Same thing happene din boot camp. I went from saying ‘darn’ and ‘heck’ to ‘fuck a bunch of crushed assholes’ in two weeks.
If you can get all the Christains to stop swearing to/by your god, it’ll eventually die out.
"And, in a small way, you are mocking us because it isn't your God if you understand what I'm saying.”
I have MANY more ways to mock Christains, and when i do i do it intentionally. Saying god, god damn it, my god, oh my god, fuck the saints in the head, flame strike, or oh crap is just the same thing as why we all say ‘gesundheit’ when someone sneezes whether we believe it’s a risk or not.
Hever YOU ever said, ‘knock on wood’?
Do you think that protects against the wee folk?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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