kingjameswriter1965 #fundie

I know I may raise a few eyebrows when I expose this new gaming trend called Stadia. As always, I am against anything that is idolatry against worship of the one true God in Jesus Christ. Any thing, any person, any hobby, any vice or sin, is IDOLATRY (worship of a false god). You cannot worship God and for example, money, at the same time. God will NOT allow any other to steal His glory, which is rightfully His alone. To do so is to commit a grave sin.

This is what Wicked-pedia says about Stadia:

“Stadia is a cloud gaming service operated by Google, said to be capable of streaming video games up to 4K resolution at 60 frames per second with support for high-dynamic-range, to players via the company’s numerous data centers across the globe, provided they are using a sufficiently high-speed Internet connection.” …

Notice Google never says a bad word against anything they promote. They make it look desirable and worthy to possess. They are in cahoots with the evil powers that be who want to demolish anything innocent, beautiful and pleasing to God. I personally despise Google, Facebook, Twitter and all their evil internet kin. They are of their father the Devil, and the lusts of their father they will do (John 8:44). They are all damned to Hell where they came from, and will reap rewards of shame and contempt in the everlasting flames of the Lake of Fire. PARENTS, WAKE UP AND PAY ATTENTION!! THE INTERNET IS NOT YOUR OR YOUR CHILDREN’S FRIEND!!!

Now I admit I am not educated about gaming of any kind, but I do know that it is a shameful waste of time for a person of any age to spend countless hours in front of a gaming console or TV set pretending to be something you are not. Tell me it’s not true how many young people think they’re playing a game with someone their own age across the globe and in reality it’s a 60 year old pedophile looking for a young person to destroy. Call me old fashioned, I’d rather be such than to have my mind warped by the Devil’s devices in these ever-evolving “games”, which are nothing but selfishness and pride packaged in bright colors and ear-pleasing sounds. All you see and hear are the “good” things of the world, never the end result. The Devil always shows you the glory and the power, but he never lets you in on the wasted lives that could have (and should have) been used for God.

God gave us a free will to decide what to do with our life. I am not saying that He will force you to worship and serve Him; He will not. He lets you decide what you do, who you are, what profession you serve, what flavors you like, what dreams you have, etc. However, He created each of us to worship Him and to serve Him. You will stand naked before God after your final breath and He will ask you what you did with His Son, Jesus Christ. Ecclesiastes 12:13: “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” The “whole duty of man” emphasizes believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, because without Him we can do nothing for God. That verse in Ecclesiastes sums it all up. Anything and everything else is idolatry, therefore in vain and worthy of judgment.

By the way, gaming is nothing but a poor substitute for imitation of something that you want to be. It is the heart that is desperately wicked, and the heart is what people go by to satisfy their ungodly lusts. I’m so sick of hearing idiots say, “Follow your heart” when it’s the HEART that is so wicked and evil. For example, take Gears of War. Why in the world would you want to appear like some mutated ape going around slicing other players to death with a chainsaw? You want to tell me God winks at such wicked pride? That is sick. It’s no wonder today’s youth are so obsessed with death and killing themselves and others: THAT’S ALL THEY KNOW!!! Where are the Christians???

I am speaking to a generation that doesn’t know God and rejects the Lord Jesus Christ. These games from Hell are leading everybody who plays them into the Lake of Fire. I say that because ”gamers” don’t realize the wrath being recorded in the books in Heaven. Every idle word that you speak will be accounted for in the judgment (Matthew 12:36); how much more will these idle “games” which warp the mind and destroy the soul.

You better listen to me, young people. Forget Stadia, X-Box, Nintendo, and the like. You need to get saved and throw away your devilish games and hellish consoles NOW. The sooner, the better.



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