David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
If enough Americans felt the way I do, we'd be able to run the wicked out of this nation! And a glorious day that would be! Thankfully (and I get goosebumps just thinking about it) the Lord is literarily coming back one day soon, and when He does the wicked are going to tremble as they face the reality of the Lake of Fire for all eternity. Carrie Underwood is headed for that Lake of Fire. Judas knew Jesus and went straight to Hell.
I say hooray to Jesus!!! Yeah Jesus!!! If you want to cheer and shout for lesbians and bisexuals, for God-haters and seducers, for blasphemers and adulterers, for sluts and sleazy singers, for drunkard actors and drug-addicted entertainers, for immoral sports athletes and rebels, for sicko comedians and low-life American Idols, for idolaters and sex-perverts—then you go right on ahead my friend, but Jesus Christ is coming back soon, and He's not in a good mood (I assure you) over the wickedness in the world today.
Hebrews 1:9 quotes Psalms 45:7 concerning Christ, “Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.” Psalms 97:10, “Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.” The Lord hates evil and so should we as Christians. Sadly, most professed Christians today are cowards, silent concerning public evils and abominations. Carrie Underwood is leading a generation of youth into sexual immorality and sin. This is not of God.
Underwood's fans may think she is humble, but she's arrogant and sinfully proud. Anytime we choose to place our self upon the throne of our life instead of God, it's only because we are sinfully proud. Underwood's videos are all sensual, looking at the camera like she wants to have sex with the viewer. That's exactly what they're intended to do. It's all part of the Communist moral subversion of America. Sadly, young people today think everything's a big joke. The laugh about preaching and morals. When 42 children mocked Elisha's bald head as the preacher, telling him to get lost, two female bears tore them up severely and no doubt many died (2nd Kings 2:23-24).
Only a fool mocks the things of Jesus Christ. Noah's sons backed toward their father, taking great caution to avoid looking upon his nakedness. This teaches us the proper attitude toward nakedness. For Carrie Underwood to flaunt her healthy body that God gave her, wearing the attire of a prostitute, gyrating in sexual positions for every lustful man and woman to sinfully commit adultery in their heart with—is wickedness beyond description.