??? #fundie bible.ca

Falun Gong is a false religion and their converts should enjoy freedom of religion. Other Eastern religions and communism are the ones who are persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Falun Gong practitioners should thank Christians for their freedom in the west. Freedom of expression is a fruit of Christianity. Unlike Islam, who kills Christians that openly preach Jesus died and rose from the dead, Christians are tolerant. Communism is the fruit of the mystical pagan eastern religions. Democracy is the fruit of Christianity. Persecution, torture and murder are the fruit of the eastern religions from which Falun Gong had its recent origin. From a social point of view, Falun Gong is harmless. If they want to believe some 45 year old Asian guy with a new exercise video is their God... then let them believe it. Leave them alone, let them worship their man made God in peace. But let Falun Gong practitioners thank Christians for granting them freedom on the West. Christians are persecuted, jailed, tortured and killed in the places where eastern religions dominate, like China.



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