supersport #fundie
From supersport's Theory of Creation thread (OP worthy of an FSTDT quote itself ==>
We have this incredibly error-ridden post from supersport, showing his incredible ignorance of simple biology:
[Interesting claim, now support it. No links, no cut and paste, you explain it..]
supersport responds:
I actually can support it although it's a good topic for a new thread....but all you have to do is use your common sense.....cells have tiny parts called genes....those genes have tiny parts called nucleus...the nucleus breaks down into smaller parts...smaller parts break down into atoms...atoms break down into subatomic particals...subatomic particles break down even further. Try dividing a subatomic particle by 1 big do you think that part will be? Life is not a machine, wataru because all the tiny parts in the body work together as a whole unit.