If God wanted to reach the world at all costs, then why did He write the Bible in such a harsh manner? I mean, we read about all the people who were slaughtered throughout the Old Testament? The Word of God contains much horror and atrocities, accounts of thousands of children being mass-murdered, etc. The famous writer Mark Twain said, "If there is a God, He is a malign thug." The Bible prevents more people from being saved than anything else, and Jesus said so (John 3:20). The world is diametrically opposed to God. There is NO common denominator, no fellowship between Christ and Belial, between Light and darkness (2nd Corinthians 6:14-17). This is the reason why God doesn't compromise, because it just doesn't work! There will NEVER be any harmony between the righteous and the wicked (Proverb 29:27).
So if God NEVER compromises in order to reach the lost, then it is sinful for us to think we know more than God. John the Baptist didn't impress Herod when he preached against his adultery (Mark 6:18). The Apostle Paul didn't make any friends when he accused the Church at Corinth of having a problem with fornication (1st Corinthians 5:1). The BEST and BIBLICAL method of reaching the lost for Christ is found in 2nd Timothy 4:2, "PREACH THE WORD!" The lost need preaching; not gangsta music.
Not one of the Apostles ever had a musical ministry. God told us to make melodies in our hearts to the Lord. Did you ever stop to think that maybe God would like to hear some music from your own heart, instead of you playing that same prerecorded CD over and over, while idolizing your CCM god. The Contemporary Christian Music industry has been leading young people to bow to Nebuchadnezzar's golden imagine long enough, it's time for professed Christians to refuse to idolize these heathen rock stars (rappers) any longer. Do the Christian thing and burn your Hip Hop garbage.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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