David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
It is important to know the motive behind the Children's Services organizations. The number one motive is MONEY. Federal dollars are awarded to each state based on certain statistics like how many children are taken into care, how many are adopted out, what kind of services a child needs etc. These services are "needs" created by the state to justify the well paid therapists, psychologists, doctors, counselors, lawyers etc. who all benefit from this industry. This makes JOB SECURITY the second motive behind Children's Services.
We do not believe that people would actually enjoy ripping families apart and placing children into conditions sometimes far worse than they were taken from (often only to die or be raped or abused in foster homes). We believe that people take the philosophy of "this is just my job" and "the state has the best interest of the child in mind". Our government has helped to create a nation full of mindless zombies who go about "doing their jobs" in direct conflict with their own conscience. If anyone raises an eyebrow they are quickly relieved of their position, sometimes of their life.
For now, Children's Services concentrates mostly on the weak, the poor and the vulnerable, people known to be easily subdued or swept under the carpet. But statistically they are running out of children, so they are working on ways to infiltrate all sectors of society.
Look at your local newsletters and bulletins. Do you see flyers and leaflets that beckon you to come and contribute to help prevent child abuse? Do they speak of how many children are abused and never receive help because it goes unreported? The only reason they want people to come to them is so they can scope out every family in every community.
Don't believe it? This year, 2000, Governor Kitzhaber decried his plan to screen every firstborn of all families in the state of Oregon. He wants to "ensure" no abuse goes undetected. If you are familiar with King Herod or Pharaoh of old, then this "Firstborn" talk should raise the hairs on your neck! History repeats itself my friend, WAKE UP!!!