Well Allah and Islam are a synogogues of satan. No, no God would openely promote the torture of babies, rape of women, mass slaughter of Christians and terrorist bombings.
Allah and islam are not synogogues.
There are no synogogues of satan.
Allah is a prophet.
Islam is a religion.
There is no need to repeat 'no' at the beginning of the second line.
Openely is spelled openly.
The second sentance seems to imply that 'no god would openly promote... the mass slaughter of...terrorist bombings.' That's probably not what you meant.
Now, except for the bombing, the x-tian god promotes the death of babies, rape of women and the mass slaughter of god's own people. Is that close enough for you?
<<< No, no God would openely promote the torture of babies, rape of women, mass slaughter of Christians and terrorist bombings. >>>
Sounds like someone hasn't read the Old Testament. (Of course, there it's mass slaughter of non-Jews, and terrorist bombings aren't really mentioned per se in either the OT or the Qu'ran, though slaughter of infidels certainly is.)
I thought that the "Synagogue Of Satan" thing was usually reserved for the Jews.
Besides, when has any god openly promoted anything? I must have been too busy reading the Origin Of Species to notice.
- Islam did not exist when the term "synagogues of Satan" was written into the NT.
- As for god openly promoting the torture of babies:
Psalm 137:9, Deuteronomy 2:33-39, the numerous slaughters of entire cities (it is stated that children were NOT spared) from Joshua and the killing of David and Bathsheeba's love child by god itself.
- The rape of women:
Numbers 31:31-40, for starters.
- As for mass slaughter, even a cursory glance at the OT reveals god's penchant for inciting slaughter, or performing the deed itself when humans prove too inefficient. And before you say, "but they were evil," let me remind you of one of Christianity's main tenants: All people are evil and ALL are deserving of death because ALL sins are equal in your god's eyes.
Its easy to champion the bible when you don't know a thing about it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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