"You're absolutely right. I'm sick of the PC police who refuse to accept the facts."
Best not visit the UK then, Bobby-boy:
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And they have a very Zero Tolerance policy against Hate Crimes/Speech. Oh, and as for:
"Nowdays, of course, you can still do it, but if you ever mention it to anyone, you'll be called a bigot. Sorry buddy, I just have morals."
...another reason why you daren't come to the UK: Section 5 of the Public Order Act. You don't have the fucking right to be a bigot in word & action, to say nothing of Thoughtcrime. Forced Political Correctness. And woe fucking betide you if you dare even think about being intolerant; yes that's right - we Brits don't tolerate those who aren't tolerant of others.
That's how we roll in the UK. And that's just how I like it. Fuck your so-called 'morals'. And fuck how you think you have the right to be a bigot.
If that's how your so-called 'morals' makes you think, then - like the UK - there can never be enough legislation to force you to be tolerant of others. Thoughtcrime, and all that jazz.
"The homosexuals in this country hae been shoving homosexualism down our throat for the past 30 years."
Homosexuality has been legal here in the UK for longer than that. Yet, with their emergent culture in recent years, I - as a straight man - can say without fear of contradiction, that said emergent LGBT culture, and their acceptance (certainly in popular media) has affected my lifestyle exactly this much:
Methinks the lady doth project too much...!