BigChrisFilm #fundie

["Oh, and fyi: Ian Paisley is a known bigot and terrorism advocate. He actually condones bombing buildings and shooting people of other denominations. Not a great role model, bub."]

Of course, the world hates Paisley. Almost as much as the world hated Jesus. But anyway, I tell you what. You keep your religion out of our schools, and I will do the same. But until then, I will advocate for my religion to be taught along side your religion. Anyway, I am glad you read the bible. The Bible is not a book that you can read through once, and be done with. If you do that, it will seem foolish, but the more you study it, and compare scriptures you will realize there are not as many errors as you thought. Infact, there are none. If you TRULEY would like to go through the "errors" in the Bible, and TRULEY would like to know how I reconcile these "errors" yet STILL believe it to be infallible, I will start a topic, and you can start posting your favorite errors.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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