[Responding to an article title "Scientists say magnet therapy is a waste of time"]
The great scientists of the day do not even believe the human body contains an aura (aka, the soul) so they claim that something beyond their understanding does not work because all of their theories and science does not yet understand how the true universe works. The can only observe and measure the world we live in, and even when they do that the results are questionable.
Magnetic therapy has influence on the aura, the aura has influence on the body. The physical body contains an energy body , magnetic waves are energy, how the two interact can have beneficial and negative effects.
As the world once believed that the world was flat, and the universe revolved around the earth, maybe one day scientists will discover the aura, and how magnetic waves interact with it.
New-Age fundie? Well, maybe not "fundie," just... silly. So many things wrong...
"The great scientists of the day do not even believe the human body contains an aura (aka, the soul)"
1) Even people who believe in auras don't think that the human body "contains" it. The auric field extends beyond the body.
2) The aura isn't the same thing as the soul. (1 and 2 according to people who actually believe this.)
3) The "great scientists of the day" don't believe this *because there's no credible evidence for it.*
Annnnd, I'll stop there with the enumerations.
Dude, if physical shit has an effect on non-physical shit, such as auras, and vice versa, then it would be empirically detectable. Because there would still be a physical effect.
"As the world once believed that the world was flat, and the universe revolved around the earth, maybe one day scientists will discover the aura, and how magnetic waves interact with it."
Yeah, they laughed at Copernicus and Einstein. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.
I love the last bit: maybe scientists WILL ONE DAY DISCOVER what this guy is already asserting, with absolute certainty, EXISTS. So if HE has discovered it, why doesn't he publish this in a science journal somewhere?
That article's discussion board had two or three people disputing the scientists' refutations, mostly by ad hominem arguments (without even knowing the guys, or even reading the article closely). Whether it's faith in a deity or in quack medicine, people just hate to have their pet ideas neutered.
~David D.G.
(American Indian Flute music Plays)
If any First Nations Folks sees this, please Don't be offended, when I say I think All New Agers ought to be shot for helping to forever bastardize a beautiful instramental in crappy Hoodoo T.V. shows.
-My Two Bits
"The great scientists of the day do not even believe the human body contains an aura (aka, the soul) so they claim that something beyond their understanding does not work because all of their theories and science does not yet understand how the true universe works."
Actually, they claim that it doesn't work because studies have not shown magnet therapy to have any effect.
*shrug* if sx1207 wants to argue with reality, though, who am I to deny him that?
"As (religious organizations) once believed that the world was flat, and the universe revolved around the earth (which were disproven by science), maybe one day scientists (who are saying it has no effect) will discover the aura, and how magnetic waves interact with it (a religious concept)."
Am I the only one who sees a flaw in that logic?
Perhaps sx1207 should consult a physics textbook - there is no such thing as a "magnetic wave". Or maybe sx1207 knows something that the "great scientists" don't.
Perhaps he/she is thinking of "electromagnetic waves" - they do have a profound range of effects on the human body, but they have little to do with magnet therapy.
Mr. Turquoise
Once again, someone claims that they have an understanding of the universe that is more complete than that of contemporary science.
"Sure, when science catches up to ME, they'll agree with my enlightened views!"
First off, since when has the aura been the same as the soul? The soul is said to be inside you, your impetus for living. The aura is a field of life-energy that extends BEYOND you.
I believe in both the soul and the aura--it's quite impossible to be a musician and a writer and not have some sense of this otherness. I completely understand how others do not believe in one or the other or both, and that's just fine with me.
I don't get how the flipping magnet does anything, though. Is she suggesting that the aura is a magnetic field???
Now I'm beginning to see why all the religious shortwave stations have so many altenative-health snake-oil sponsors like magnets, healing through resonant frequencies, tap water filters, etc. for imaginary ailments like aspertame poisoning and fluoride. These people are gullible enough to believe that these worthless things will cure everything that ails them!
1- Fix a large Neodymium magnet onto a table
2- Put your dick on top of said magnet
3- Bring another large Neodymium magnet directly above the first. Slowly lower
4- ?????
5- Are magnets a form of 'Therapy'? You'll be screaming too loudly to answer that question.
Ergo, you're talking bollocks. They'll be all you have left.
>Magnetic therapy
How does IT work.
The "aura" would have to be a phenomenon interacting with magnetic fields somehow. Since every human being apparently has one, we would have detected differences between magnetic fields near human beings and ones which are not which can't be explained by normal physical forces. We didn't. Therefore there is no such thing as an aura, at least none interacting with magnetic forces.
Which means magnetic therapy based on "aural manipulation" is quakery, plain and simple.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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