[Re: AIDS] It's transfered through blood and there for, seeing as it started in the homosexually community, a sign from god that we cannot suffer homosexuals to live. It's common sense.
god is basically saying that if we don't kill all homo's that we will all be judged now and die.
Isn't it funny how these people say things like "We'll all be judged and die" or "God is going to destroy America and everyone in it" when supporting the death of homosexuals, but you don't see them doing it themselves? You'd think if they really believed the stakes to be so high, they would take some action rather than raging on the web.
A major leap, that. The fearful thing is that I've seen these sort of comments before, but the "kill for jesus" stuff gets frightening. Seek help, dash, truly, seek help.
Infected apes, but yes, that seems to be the best theory around. Clearly, Gunderscored wants us to kill all non-veggies.
You know, I get so freaking sick and tired of ultra-right wing neo-Nazis parading around wearing Christian garb, twisting the Bible to suit their own malevolent ends, hijacking our faith, and claiming to speak for every single one of us.
I find atheists, agnostics and freethinkers, in general to be far kinder and more compassionate than these evangelical bottom-feeders.
You want a "culture war", dash? Bring it on. We can give it back as good as you give it.
What's a "homosexually community?" Is "homosexually" an adjective now? As in: d"Say Midge, you don't want to put that old couch out on Christopher St., it will get all homosexually out there!"
Oh, and you're fucking psychotic, dash.
HIV is tramitted through blood, blood products and semen.
No one knows where HIV "started."
Killing gays is not "common sense," nor is it any form of good sense.
It takes quite a measure of hubris to speak for God. First, no one has shown that God exists. Second, even if God does exist, no one has shown that the Bible or any other source was actually written or inspired by God. Last, you haven't shown that you have received any other form of communication from God.
All these points lead me to the conclusion that you should STFU and go away.
[Re: Cancer] It's caused by smoking and therefore, seeing as it has been spread by the capitalistic marketing industry, a sign from God that we cannot suffer profitable businesses to survive. It's common sense.
God is basically saying that if we don't kill all CEO's that we will all be judged now and die.
Makes almost as much sense. None at all.
god is basically saying that if we don't kill all homo's that we will all be judged now and die.
The Bible says
Thou shalt not kill (Deut. 5:17), and
And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.
(Luke 6:31).
For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people. (Heb. 10:30)
Not everything is a judgement from SkyDaddy. And this isn't something that's restricted to a certain set of people, anyone can get it. But you can't see past your twisted little desire to kill people, can you? People like you make me sick.
For the last fucking time, fundies: you get HIV from having sex with someone who has HIV. You can do it in the butt, vagina, or festering open wound, but it HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GENDER OF THE PERSON YOU'RE DOING IT WITH!
I've always wondered about how homosexuals came to be a large part of the AIDS-infected population. Maybe if rhey didn't need to be so secretive about their sexual activities, it wouldn't have weirdly erupted from Africa in the first place.
If homosexuals weren't persecuted for their sexuality, it wouldn' have been allowed to fester undetected for years before it became a world-wide phenomenon.
god is basically saying that if we don't kill all homo's that we will all be judged now and die."
So if you DON'T kill homosexuals, your god's going to judge and kill you?
I have no problem with that.
UberLutheran, be assured I don't judge all Christians by these evangelical bottom-feeders. Fundies are in a class of their own.
@ Jacob : Once again I have made miscommunication!
What I meant was that, first of all, we should not persecute homosexuals for their sexuality. As far as I am concerned, it's natural.
Secondly, if homosexuals were not persecuted for their behavior, AIDS could have been caught and fought against long before it became a pandemic. I know that homosexuals are not, even when it was first diagnosed, the only people who suffered from this disease. Or prostitutes or drug users, for that matter. What I am trying to suggest is that if homosexuals didn't feel the need to hide their sexuality when it was first discovered, we might have a much clearer picture of where AIDS came from and how it got to the Western world. Even if it sounds as though I am condemning homosexuality, I really am not.
I hope I did not come off as an ass. If I did, I am truely sorry.
The best thing is where he establishes that it is spread by blood(which is partially true)and then goes to homosexuals. If it´s blood, in which way are homosexuals the only responsible for that?, what has their sexuality to do with a problem that spreads through a red blood we all have?. Following your stupid logic, we should kill all surgery personell and paramedics in hospital, plus all the people who manipulate them. It´s the only logical step and here your "common sense" shatters.
Erm, actually, AIDS was first observed in Africa. HETEROSEXUAL couples in Africa, no less.
I'm not sure what he means by saying that AIDS is transferred in blood and therefore all fags must die.
You lose, good day sir.
I don't think God would want to make such huge leaps in judgement when it means playing with people's lives...
Started by homosexuals. Right. The first diagnosed patient was homosexual which isn't the same as the source of the disease. We really don't know who the first to contract AIDS was but considering that heterosexuals get it too...
Osiris, I don't know what your point is considering there are homosexuals in Africa.
Gay's may be dirty, but that is not the point they need to be saved.
The onley thing wrong with them is their sex life. They just need to stop having sex with each other and stop thinking about it, and if they need help then we should help them with dugs and theropy. They can lead non sexual lives and do so much good or even be stright and have famileys.
lets save them not kill them.
Not only is your idea of killing homosexuals wrong and stupid, you use a rogue apostrophe.
It's transfered (sic) through blood and there for you mean "therefore , seeing as it started in the homosexually (sic) community, a sign from god that we cannot suffer homosexuals to live. It's common sense.
@ Sean:
Gay's may be dirty, but that is not the point they need to be saved.
You use a rogue apostrophe too. How are gay people dirty? Nobody "needs" to be saved.
The onley thing wrong with them is their sex life. They just need to stop having sex with each other and stop thinking about it, and if they need help then we should help them with dugs and theropy.
Why should they stop having sex? "Because the Bible says so" is not an answer. They probably can't stop thinking about it, you can't just get rid of thoughts because you don't want them there. You can't make a gay person straight no matter how hard they or other people try. It doesn't work.
They can lead non sexual lives and do so much good or even be stright and have famileys.
They can do much good if they live sexual lives too. And they can't be straight, they can only pretend to be.
Good for you, remember that whole "Thy Shalt Not Kill" crap, forget about it, God doesn't know what he's talking about. When I'm assfucking my wife later tonight, I'll think of you and smile.
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