GGWN has just posted an ALERT - forewarning from God [ confirmed by five disciples of Christ ] for all people and all nations for the Black Death - plague to begin in the Shandong Province of the Eastern Peoples Republic of China. The disease- plague will originate from the Great Gerbil and be spread via rodent-consuming carnivores - eagles. This area is close to where all the nations are gathered for the Olympics which will greatly increase the risk of spreading the plague world wide.
We have emailed the CDC in the US and are currently emailing all Red Crosses in all the nations. If you are a member and have not checked in recently you may want to we need your help getting the warnings out to over 200 countries now at the Olympics.
We are asking all members of CF to pray for intercession of this coming plague !!
Please pray !! GGWN
In spite of the Great Gerbil reference, I'm going to try to make sense of this.
Your god has sent, or is sending, a new Black Death that will begin in China and spread throughout the world. This god person chose China because of the gathering of nations for the Olympics thereby bettering the odds of it spreading rapidly once the people return to their various homelands. So you are asking all members of CF (?) to pray for intercession. I assume that, by this, your intent is to change your god's mind.
And when the Black Death doesn't happen, you can claim the power of prayer saved the world.
Am I close?
Yes, if there actually WAS a plague, the CDC would have a much better chance of containing it than your god. Why? Because unlike you god, the CDC actually exists.
It must be a bitch to work at almost any government department, organisation, charity, etc and regularly receive "warnings" from batshit-crazy people like this "millerrod".
It's marmots. Since humans don't come in contact with Eagles, and Eagles don't get fleas (mites are what birds get, but marmots don't), I am fairly certain the CDC is going to treat you like the crackpots you are.
If it's coming from God then surely mere mortals wouldn't be able to stop it? Oh, that's right, you're talking shit. Noted, and dismissed.
Great Gerbil? WTF?
"GGWN has just posted an ALERT - forewarning from God [ confirmed by five disciples of Christ ] for all people and all nations for the Black Death - plague to begin in the Shandong Province of the Eastern Peoples Republic of China. The disease- plague will originate from the Great Gerbil and be spread via rodent-consuming carnivores - eagles."
I'm no epidemiologist/microbiologist but I'm pretty sure that eagles aren't a disease vector for bubonic plague. I can't imagine how they would be since plague is almost always transmitted through fleas you moron. Not many people come into contact with eagles after all.
"This area is close to where all the nations are gathered for the Olympics which will greatly increase the risk of spreading the plague world wide."
You don't really know anything about plague, do you? Not only that but the plague would be very unlikely to become some sort of pandemic as it's treatable with modern antibiotics.
"We have emailed the CDC in the US and are currently emailing all Red Crosses in all the nations."
I'm sure they appreciate that. I hope they nail your ass for spam.
"If you are a member and have not checked in recently you may want to we need your help getting the warnings out to over 200 countries now at the Olympics.
We are asking all members of CF to pray for intercession of this coming plague !!
Please pray !! GGWN"
Yeah, that'll help!
Actually the gerbil is able to survive the plague, the plague is found in the blood stream of the rodent the fleas on the rodent become carriers from the blood of the rodent the rodent is slowed down and weakened from the plague and the carnivor-hawks-eagles are able to cath and kill them with greater ease. while eating the kill the fleas are able to get upon the bird which is then transported to other areas. This has been proven in many studies all of which a little time on google anyone can find. also hemorrhagic and pheumonic plagues are not treatable and you die in two to three days again this info can be found by googleing it and studying it. By the way as of today there are other causes in neighboring countries as well as china. again a little research will show you this. God be with you in all things !! Rod
its a goverment agency i kind of doubt it !! lol they are more than likely studying the dna of the bigfoot found in Georgia. Bigfoot found in Georgia, some wierd critter found in Texas, disease happening that turns you black and makes you bleed and kills you in a matter of days and the enviroment weidr than it ever has been. and yet you all think i am weird its not me thats weird its my surroundings !! lol
Releasing a deadly virus during the Olympics so that it's spread throughout the Earth by an ideological extremist who wants to wipe out most of the Human race on account of believing us to be inherently wicked?
Apparently, God is the bad guy from a Tom Clancy novel.
(Specifically, Rainbow 6)
Fantastic Four : Great Gerbil, Flying Eagle, Fantastic Flea, and Plagueman.
Thats funny if your religious or if you aint or if you believe or if you dont. We are all one race and its cool to laugh together !!
Dipshit... You say the Black Death (Bubonic Plague), But what you are describeing is more like the Marburg or Ebola Virii, neither of which kill you in a matter of days (Seeing as they have gestation periods of 1-3 weeks.) In fact none of the hemorragic virii can kill you in a matter days. (Source: Sister in law who is a practicing MD.)
In conclusion you must either be...
A) A Poe.
B) A poor liar who can't be bothered to google his own misinformation.
C) A fucktard who has delusions of graduer and/or a messianic complex.
D) A damned dirty troll.
or. Ungod forbid
E) All of the above.
Thats cool you have an educated sister in law. She may also explain to you how diseases have mutated and changed throughout the years,what once was may not be the same as hundreds of years ago, ask her about the process of change - possible mutations disease goes through over the years and how they adapt and become resistint to antibiotics. its interesting. sadly the disease-plague is already here and spreading so guess you could always wait tell you get it then let us know and we will count the days tell we dont hear from you any longer and then we can see if the number of days is right or wrong.
you may want to recheck your info for yourself the Black Death was not just the Bubonic Plague i believe if you check into it there was at least three other forms of the plague beside Bubonic, one caused large black bumps one attacked the lungs Pluponic [ spelling may be wrong ] this one was more catchable and the death rate was even higher and another caused hemoraging [ turn your body black and caused bleeding and sudden death ] and actually some of the other forms were not even diagnosed and have yet to be diagnosed. They grouped them all together and called it Black Death. my advice is to read and study about it for yourself. GOOGLE its a wonderful tool
[C] is a funny comment the first half reminds me of a bare foot redneck sitting on a porch speaking but the other half sounds like a comment from someone very highly educated. its like writing a poem like : Dem thar roses er red, and Dem thar violets er blu, both haveing an inner beauty that is breath taking to behold, when looked upon by the eyes of man, capturing the rays of the sun with colors that boldly speak the words of beauty to the ears of deaf men.
Ummm... if the viruses have changed in the last 100 years...
Wait, I know this one... isn't that EVIL-UTION! :)
Seriously, a giant gerbil? Wouldn't snakes have a better chance of eating them? (Not really well versed in China's ecosystem, but sounds more like a great reptile opportunity, speaking as a herper.)
Deut 18:22:
"When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not come about or come true, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him."
So you're prepared to be known as a false prophet if this doesn't happen then Milerrod?
Considering the last ten forewarnings God has given us have all been fulfilled my concern is not that it wont be fulfilled my concern is that it will be fulfilled, my prayers are for God to stop this plague and there be no further loss of life, i would rather see my own fall as a proven prophet and be called a false prophet and God stop this Plague and no more people die. i am not concerned about myself nor my standing in peoples eyes, my concern is for other people and the possibility of their suffering. I came here and am posting here because i do not fear what men think of me or their actions towards me,it does not bother me because Gods Word has forewarned me it would happen . what i do fear is not serving God and delivering what he has given me to deliver. i understand why the world would make fun of and mock what we are doing its actually a fulfillment of scripture when they do because scripture itself has forewarned man would do just that. This forum-site itself fulfills Gods Word by mocking both God as well as myself and many others. In its attempt to mock and destroy it actually fulfills. I actually give this site address to other christians as proof of the fulfillment of Gods Word and i thank each of you for being a part of fulfilling Gods Word. rod
Considering how 2008 Beijing was the start of our resurgence: to our coming second in the medals table in 2016 Rio:
Thank you for admitting that Sir Chris Hoy is God, dollerrim.
A plague of Gold medals: including local hero Luke Campbell in 2012 London:
2020 Tokyo? Infect Team GB more!
We're world class now.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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