Relic #fundie

This is exactly what these anti-christ "ignorant" secular liberal people are trying to do! They want to erase the definition of sin as it is in the eyes of God. They want to make perversion as a thing deemed normal. They want to eliminate all truth that protects us from what is truly evil. They are blindly "leading" our next generation into abominable sin.
We need to stop them from perverting our next generation! They know that the younger the mind, the more easily it will be embedded into their way of being. We need to protect our children from such exposure when their minds are so very vulnerable to deceptions and perversions. It's bad enough that we have to closely monitor the music they listen to and turn the tv off to protect our children from all the garbage mouthed people on the tv, from all the oversexed images, from all the bloody images, from all the violence on the tv, at such a young age! It amazes me how parents don't even speak to their children about what is being placed in front of them by way of so called entertainment. And it amazes me how parents are not monitoring what they are being taught in school.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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