Increased Crime Because of Prohibition is the Devil's Lie
I hear so many people defending the legalization of alcohol by claiming that the prohibition laws only caused massive crime. They love to tout about gangsters, Al Capone, machine guns, etc. Did you ever stop to realize that there were few gangsters anywhere else besides Chicago? People from around the world still come to Chicago to see Al Capone's town. Other than a museum, a restaurant, and a a few murals, there's not much to see. Why would people idolize such a filthy criminal who died of Syphilis in Florida? Al Capone was a total loser in God's eyes. People like to claim that the prohibition laws created a massive illegal underground black market. This is simply not true.
"People like to claim that the prohibition laws created a massive illegal underground black market. This is simply not true."
History -- and marijuana users -- would like a word with you, man... ::hits DJS over the head with a heavy glass bong:: You FAIL!
No civilised country has ever had prohibition laws. Look at the countries that have, lets see, USA, IRAN, Saudi Arabia,Sudan, ....seeing a patern here. If it was good enough for Jebus its good enough for me. You must me a heritic of some sort. The devlils tool. Repent!
This person insults Christianity through hypocrisy, defends prohibition AND doesn't like Chicago...
...He has reached a new level of SUCK!
I know your allergic to them, but take a Claritin and pick up a history book. There was a MAJOR industry of illegal booze. Capone was only one of the famous ones because he was also a hero to the poor (opened poor kitchens, hired people when nobody else was hiring, etc).
There is a current prohibition on drugs. Basically started under Nixon. We've seen how well that's gone.
Only gangsters in Chicago?, Sicilians, New Yorkers, Californians and others have a word with you. And by the way, distinguish between idolisation and simple curiosity. And to make arguments, for that matter. Not only you contradict all the time, but also you insult Jesus calling him a drunkard. Yes, you'll say that it's grape fruit what he was drinking in the last supper but, judging your knowledge of history, I will keep my reservations.
My Great-Grandma made moonshine during Prohibition. Great-Grandpa sat on the couch with a shotgun in his lap, handling the money. One night, some drunken asshole tried to rob him and wound up with two legs full of bird-shot.
No charges were filed.
They didn't live anywhere near Chicago.
you can't have criminals without laws... laws create criminals whether or not if it is a just law is a different story
you can't break a law that doesn't exist
if we run out of criminals- we will write new laws to keep the whole industry rolling....nothing to do with public health and safety
that is a smokescreen
alcohol prohibition caused more problems than it tried to improve- just like today.
it is not the governments job to define morality-but that is why the drug war marches on
big $$$$$$$$$ for the government and tell the people its immoral to get them on board
Did you ever stop to realize that there were few gangsters anywhere else besides Chicago?
Meyer Lansky, Dutch Shultz, Joe 'the Boss' Masseria, Salvatore "Caesar" Maranzano, Lucky Luciano, Joseph Bonnano, Albert Anistasia, Joseph P. Kennedy , and everyone under their command just to name a couple hundred... Now, go get an education from someone other than your pastor you ignorant fuck!
I've seen what remains of a speakeasy in little ol' Pendleton, Oregon.
Everyone likes to get high. EVERYONE. It matters not whether it's alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, long-distance running or Jesus. Most of your early saints were nothing more than Jesus junkies, getting strung out on hairshirts.
"Did you ever stop to realize that there were few gangsters anywhere else besides Chicago?"
um tell that to the courts in Melbourne that are still holding trails on the Gangland killings(from around 2001 to now)... go on try telling them that...
But if people love gangsters so much, wouldn't they want a prohibition so it becomes more of them again? Oh, that's right, prohibtion didn't 'cause gangsters.
@cui bono: Norway: prohibition both instated and repelled by referendum :)
People who tout gangster activity, and Al Capone in particular as a reason for why prohibition is a folly do not idolize him. He's merely an example that if people want something, they will get it, regardless of legality.
And those that do use his image are more than likely trying to make a quick buck off a recognizable name.
Some fine contradiction material. If Al Capone was not such a big gangster, why is there so much merchandising around him?. Maybe because his figure, during prohibition times was massive?. And do you REALLY believe that there were no gangsters outside Chicago?. People didn´t decide to terminate with prohibition out of the blue. By the way, could we use the same argument for, say, DEATH PENALTY?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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