Real FACT #conspiracy

The Truth About Trump,The Zionist Media And The Deep State.

Trump is a prop of the Deep State, used by the Zionist media to distract from their ISIS army slaughtering civilians overseas.

If we got real news we would throw up seeing how much evil America is doing around the world.

We are to the point where it is wall to wall Trump analysis to keep the "News" off TV.

Trump is a fool in a dunce cap set out for the people to pillory and spit on. This keeps them from asking questions.

Trump is not a smart man and so every idiotic comment he spews provides cover for the Deep State.

When the Communist Chinese and the Godless Russians look like economic benefactors and arbiters of peace and political stability in the world you know America is FUCKED UP.

They flooded the Internet with so much Fake News that used to be called Propaganda when people actually had literacy, that they pushed the 9/11 Truth movement to the far margins.

They had to do this because the truthers would have revealed how Western globalists and Zionists have created a Fake Muslim Army to reshape the Middle East for Western Corporate control.

The fake Muslim army called ISIS could turn around and blow up in Europes face if they start marching West in their Toyota Trucks.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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