Mountain Woman #conspiracy
Blatant Treason - CIA Takeover Of United States - Constitution Dead!
Have you asked yourself how it is that Obama and the Liberals seem to be committing blatant treason by trying to overthrow President Trump? I have, and I want to know how they are getting away with it.
This is the definition of treason: [link to]
Under Article III, Section 3, of the Constitution, any person who levies war against the United States has committed treason within the meaning of the Constitution.
Treason is punishable by death. If a death sentence is not imposed, defendants face a minimum penalty of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine (18 U.S.C.A. § 2381). A person who is convicted of treason may not hold federal office at any time thereafter.
Why is it our Constitution is no longer the law of the US? It started after 9/11. Since 9/11, the government has ceaselessly violated our constitutional rights. Consider how privacy worked before 9/11 and how it works now in Post-Constitutional America.
In Post-Constitutional America, the old words that once defined our democracy are twisted in new ways, not discarded. Previously unreasonable searches become reasonable ones under new government interpretations of the Fourth Amendment. Traditional tools of law, like subpoenas and warrants, continue to exist even as they morph into monstrous new forms.
Americans are told (and often believe) that they retain rights they no longer have. In pre-constitutional America the colonists knew that they were under the king’s thumb. In totalitarian states of the last century like the Soviet Union, people dealt with their lack of rights and privacy with grim humor and subtle protest. However, in America, ever exceptional, citizens passively watch their rights disappear in the service of dark ends, largely without protest and often while still celebrating a land that no longer exists.
[link to]
Enter the outsider as president. Donald Trump has condemned the spying and leaking, as he is a victim of it. His White House staff was shaken by what the spies did with what they learned from a former Trump aide.
Trump's former national security adviser, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, himself a former military spy, spoke to the Russian ambassador to the United States in December via telephone in Trump Tower. It was a benign conversation. He knew it was being monitored, as he is a former monitor of such communications. But he mistakenly thought that those who were monitoring him were patriots as he is. They were not.
They violated federal law by revealing in part what Flynn had said, and they did so in a manner to embarrass and infuriate Trump. But they got away with it.
Why would they do this? Perhaps because they feared Flynn's being in the White House, since he knows the power and depth of the deep state. Perhaps because they believe that their judgment of the foreign dangers America faces is superior to the president's. Perhaps because they hate and fear the outsider in the White House.
Whatever the reason does not matter so much to me, as the fact they are doing all of these things, breaking Federal Law and getting away with it.
How? They are getting away with it, because the Deep State/CIA/Shadow Government is now the law of the land...not the Constitution. They tore that up when they took over. That is why Mueller is getting away with investigating Trump when there is no evidence to do so.
That is why Obama formed a group within his new home in Washington committed to overthrowing Trump. We now are under the control of the CIA/Deep State. They are one in the same. It is about time we face it.