David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
Like Bob Dylan and Huey Lewis, who openly admit selling their souls to the Devil for worldly success, so do Amy Grant and others sell out by recording with heathen companies. Sparrow Records (shown on Amy's website at the bottom of all her 30 albums for sale) was acquired by EMI Group in the 1990's. EMI owns over 70 music companies! The EMI Christian Music Group is a division of the EMI Group, which also produce records for Pink Floyd, Katy Perry, Smashing Pumpkins, Grand Funk Railroad, Avalon, Sex Pistols, Iron Maiden, The Beatles, Snoop Dog, Toby Mac, and hundreds of other heathen groups (over 1500 total). It's really sickening if you realize what's going on. EMI Group is a heathen music production company out to make a buck, period.
They created their so-called Christian Music Group as part of their marketing strategy, and not because they love Christ nor care about getting anybody saved. The same parent company that sells Amy Grant's music sells Pink Floyd and Iron Maiden too. It's like a porno store in the rear with a Christian bookstore in the front, all operated by the same organization, trying to make money. There's nothing Christian about any of this garbage, not even the fake “Christian” label they slap across it. It's all a deception of the Devil, a “division” of the Godless parent company. As the saying goes, “The Apple never falls far from the tree” or “Birds of a feather flock together.” 1st Corinthians 10:21, “Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.”
The idea of a heathen greedy music company starting a so-called “Christian” music sub-company to market a different group of society is nauseating to say the least. Now you know why the gospel is never preached at any of their CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) concerts. They're no more Christian than Ozzy Osbourne. EMI sells Katy Perry's records, a little tramp whore who lays with her legs open in her immoral video Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.). She sings about streaking in the park, getting drunk, having sex with a boy, and wanting to do it all again to her parents. Such destructive music is deliberately being targeted at teens today by scum Communists, God haters and Luciferian occultists to ruin them. It was Vladimir Lenin who said, “The best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals.”