Successful Trip to D.C.The trip to Washington D.C. was very successful in that we were able to meet a wide variety of men and women who work in the law enforcement profession during “Cop Week.” National Police Week is a week long law enforcement event in D.C. and the surrounding area where thousands of police representing cities, counties, and states all across America come for seminars, memorial events, and fun.
Time and time again we heard the frustration of good cops who have a dream for a safer America. And like you, many of them are fearful of the type of future their children are going to have when America ceases to be a white majority Christian nation. And that day is fast approaching.
We worked to let them know that we share their concerns, that we aren’t a fringe hate organization as groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center like to imply and that we represent a core group of honest, sincere, and dedicated men and women working for a return of Law and Order in America.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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