David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
Government spy satellites are monitoring every square inch of farming land in Europe and America. Increasingly, small and medium sized farms are being oppressed with burdensome relegations, over-taxation, harassing citations and ridiculous news laws intended to drive them out of business. The criminals behind the New World Order want to gain control over the whole world, and the fastest and surest way to do so is to eliminate the small and medium sized farms. If the world's elite can control the production and supply of food through a dozen large corporations, then they can smash the resistance of the people in just a matter of days until the food runs out.
In fact, Revelation 13:16-17 teaches that no one will be able to buy nor sell food without having the mark of the Beast in their right hand or forehead. The world is fast-headed for a total Police State control grid society. You'll have to have a government license for everything!
Whereas back in the Great Depression, 90% of Americans were self-sufficient; today only 10% of Americans are able to support themselves if the food trucks suddenly stopped rolling and th stores go empty. It is hard to imagine in the land of the plenty, where stores carry a dozen different brands of every food (from pizza to maple syrup), that the day is coming when the shelves will be empty. There is a massive food shortage coming and it will be artificially caused by the global elite through the corporations. It may not be next month, but it is coming in the years and decades ahead.
The global elite are already testing their cruel food shortage scheme in suffering nations around the world. In a time of food crisis, a society will exhort to cannibalism in 15 days. In the Old Testament, the people ate donkey brains and dove's dung for food during famine, and it can happen in America or anywhere else in the world...
2nd Kings 6:25, “And there was a great famine in Samaria: and, behold, they besieged it, until an ass's head was sold for fourscore pieces of silver, and the fourth part of a cab of dove's dung for five pieces of silver.”
Do you think it couldn't happen in the United States? You'll thank God if you live on a smaller island if such a crisis develops, where at least fishing and local produce are plenty. In the metropolitan areas of the great cities, where millions-upon-millions of people dwell like sardines crammed in a tin can, there will be cannibalism, massive heinous crimes and all-out rioting and dementia.
I believe it is deliberate that the masses of humanity are being herded into major cities to live, because this makes it impossible to grow crops to support so many people. In reality, the masses are setting themselves up for disaster.
In the rural areas of America, where there are farms and people know how to survive off the land, they'll have a chance. City dwellers are slowly, but surely, digging a grave for themselves. I am convinced that by 2050 there will be famine in many of the world's major cities. Little by little all of the mom and pop gourmet restaurants and delicatessens of the past century will vanish away in America. When most people think of famine, they think of third world nations in Africa and elsewhere. In the Bible, it was war that often brought artificial famine, used as a weapon to conquer cities.
It will be the corporations who are controlled by the global elite that cause the famines of the future, to subdue the masses and to deliberately kill off 90% of the earth's population (as plotted by members of Secret Societies and revealed on the Georgia Guidestones). If you think this sounds too conspiratorial, then you should read up on U.S. President JFK's comments about Secret Societies. He tried to warn us, and they killed him! There are literally HUNDREDS of shocking books available, teaching about Secret Societies. Some of the books are written by members of the occult themselves, like Manly P. Hall, a 33rd degree Freemason. Truth is certainly stranger than fiction.