NO BODY CAN "PROVE" THE EXISTENCE OF GEORGE WAHINGTON. But everyone believes he existed? Go figure that one.
um, there is a huge difference between George Washington and Jesus, namely the fact that we have a lot of independant sources that mention George Washington, we don't have any sources except the babble that mention jesus.
Well, George Washington is buried at Mount Vernon so a skeptic could try to get him exhumed and DNA test him against a descendant. But we're fairly certain he did. He only died a little more than two centuries ago.
Also, there are probably thousands of books written by unbiased historians, because what do they care if GW was real or not?
Whoops, he's talking about Wahington... whoever that is.
I'm sure theres even a George Wahington out there. Probably many. As for George Washington, he has decendants idiot. And is well documented in actual history.
Jesus? Nothing but the Bible, not a go to source.
yes, but we have MANY accurate reputable historical records that George Washington existed. And nobody ever claimed that George Washington violated the laws of nature.
Jesus? No record but what's in the Bible and he is claimed to have done things we know violate what we understand about how the world works.
There is ample physical evidence to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the historical figure 'George Washington' actually existed. However there were unsubstantiated claims made about the man's life in a biography written by a pastor named Mason Locke Weems, a man now infamous for fabricating his own little parables and exaggerating events in biographies of historical figures. These incidents (such as the 'I cannot tell a lie' cherry tree incident) are now largely considered to be fabrications used to sell his book to a gullible people desperate for something inspiring to believe in. Funny you'd use that example.
Unless of course you do mean George Wahington, the 1970's porn soundtrack composer. In which case you may have a point.
Uh...George WaShington - you mean the guy who threw a dollar bill across the Potomac, and WALKED across the Delaware? And wore false teeth made of cherrywood, which he carved himself after his father bashed his teeth out for chopping the tree down? BLaSPHEMY!!!!!!!1!!!4$!!
I also believe in Columbus. But not so sure about Toledo.
You mean besides all the proof and evidence that he existed? No, no one can accept all that proof. That's preposterous. We shouldn't accept things that are provable, but only things that have no basis in reality, like your god and all those wacky beliefs surrounding it.
On a scale from 0 to 100, how probable is it that the claims around George Washington are true?
On a scale from 0 to 100, how probable is it that the claims around Yahweh are true?
On a side note: I am actually God in person, and I have a long list of slander law suits on my desk that I will set in motion. Only I'll use the Final Judgment, not Earthly courts.
It's not like we have writings by Washington himself and hundreds if not thousands of independent sources that wrote about Washington or George Washington's actual physical remains or... oh wait we do.
This is a butchered argument where the example given is usually Socrates or Julius Caesar. But in those cases it doesn't matter if they existed or not, nobody's worshiping them as a god and it doesn't invalidate anything they supposedly did.
Well, George Washington is buried at Mount Vernon so a skeptic could try to get him exhumed and DNA test him against a descendant. <<
That's true.
Or you could just tease a few dead skin cells out of his dentures.
Here's the key thing: if George Washington never existed, some credible theory must devised to explain the widespread conviction that he not only lived but became America's first President in 1789. No such theory would survive for a moment because of the overwhelming weight of evidence against it. Therefore, George Washington existed. If he didn't, there is just too much to explain away.
The same does not apply to Jesus of Nazareth, for whose existence the independent evidence is scanty and disputed. For me, believing that he never existed is a greater strain on my credulity than that there is a real historical figure to whom the New Testament in its propagandist and fantastical way bears witness, but the case is not as watertight as one might wish. "Jesus never existed" is a contention worth discussing. "George Washington never existed" isn't.
Proving the existence of God is another matter entirely, because you are immediately into questions about what the word "God" denotes, what it would mean for a being thus denoted to exist and what might count as proof that he does. Sadly, this level of sophistication would be completely beyond EternalWarrior. Let's hope he's young and still able to benefit from a decent education.
I'm assuming you meant George Was hington.
So I guess that means the Treaty of Tripoli wrote itself, then?
Sure, we can't be 100% certain that George Washington existed. But we do have a substantial amount of evidence, ranging from numerous contemporary written sources and documents to the exact location of his remains. For most normal people that is enough evidence to pretty much prove it is at least probable the George Washington did indeed exist.
We have a burial site, which means remains. We also have his signature, and other relics. We don't have that of JC. We're told he was taken up to Heaven, as was his Mum.
Church Lady, do you have anything to say about this Biblical mystery?
"How conveeeeenient."
google wahington.
George Wahington has a Facebook page. Would Facebook have a page if he didnt exist. ?
Theres also a wahington monument.
Peoples , PLEASE spellcheck your web pages !
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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