[Referring to homosexuals and the gay agenda]
If they win, then Christianity and the Bible will be banned and conservative Christians will be imprisoned for our beliefs, because we won't give up preaching the gospel, especially the biblical position on sexuality. We are going to live in a thought police society. It will just like in Communist Russia. Also, the most rigid homosexual activists that specifically target Christian churches, organizations, and people is Soulforce led by notorious Mel White. I sincerely believe if Soulforce wins, then we could become a Communist nation. You know, White's secretary Kara Speltz embraces strong socialist ideologies but won't admit it.
Three things I will never understand about Fundies in America:
1. Why they have reduced "Christianity" to 3 issues: gay marriage, abortion, and stem cell research.
2. Why they are all convinced that they are imminent, imediate jeopardy of being carted off to Christian Death Camps.
3. Why they still have faith in big name, high profile evangelists.
All lesbains (remember them) and gay people want is to be treated equallly by the society we help (disproportionately) to pay for, and not get harrasssed and abused by superstitionists.
Keep your god, church and beliefs, but keep them out of my face, and out of my life
"You know, White's secretary Kara Speltz embraces strong socialist ideologies but won't admit it."
If she won't admit it, then how the fuck do you know? Did you have her shipped off to one of those CIA-eastern european black prisons to be tortured? Or are you yourself a socialist and you're just trying to out her to throw attention away from yourself?
If they win, then Christianity and the Bible will be banned and conservative Christians will be imprisoned for our beliefs
An example of paranoia greasing that imaginary slippery slope ...
It is clear that there are few greater threats to the conservative christian than communism and homosexuality (or alternate sexuality if you will). So it should come as no surprise they would combine the two in trying to drum up the paranoia.
I had never heard of Soulforce until this post. From what I've been able to find out, they're a multi-faith organization trying to achieve equality for gays, lesbians, transgendered, et al. through peaceful means.
That sure sounds threatening! <\snark>
All that and communism too?
Wow! And there I was thinking there was just a percentage of the community wanting the same rights the rest of us have!
Gay Agenda(TM) - yet another conspiracy to take over the world. *rolls eyes*
Point 1: There are Christian homosexuals.
Point 2: Nobody - aside from half a dozen militant crazies - wants to ban the Bible or Christianity.
Point 3: Communist Russia was not gay-friendly.
Point 4: Soulforce is a multi-faith (including Christian) organization that wants to spread tolerance through peaceful means.
Point 5: Homosexuality does not equal Communism, atheism, or concentration camps.
Point 6: You're a pathetic conspiracy theorist with a martyr complex. Get over yourself and join reality.
Now, if you mean a "socialist nation" as envisioned by Marx and Engles, then to that I say: One can dream...
Ban Christianity and the Bible, what wonderful thoughts...
Maybe the "gay agenda" isn't so bad?
hey dumbass!
Nobody is disputing whether Soviet Union was not gay friendly. It wasn't. It's about how both Communists and so-called "gay rights advocates" want to control what people think, and punish them for disagreeing.
Just check out what's happening in Sweden:
Sure, there are gays who are Christian, and there are gays who are conservative, like Andrew Sullivan. Not all of them are like this wacko Mel White. But what he says is dangerous.
Poor, poor little Christians...
If gays are allowed to marry, you're all doomed.
Soulforce wins, we become Communist America...
Oh, what a world we live in...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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