Obola is not going down without a colossal false flag event never seen in the history of USA.
I'm 100% convinced that Obola will do everything in his power to avoid leaving the White House, be it through impeachment or elections. Republicans grabbing the power again in midterm elections, means that he will definitely pull the Martial Law wildcard and he's got some cards up his sleeve: The "Russia threat", Ebola pandemic, I**S.
He's not going down without an epic FFE.
If he really wanted to make himself dictator for life, why is he waiting until the last 2 years of his presidency to do something like this?
The thing I find so amusing about these "president declaring martial law and making himself dictator" conspiracy theories is that these idiots seem to think that all a president has to do is issue an executive order and the constitution is suspended forever. The government isn't set up like that.
It's funny that his screenname is 'in Tminus...', because the timeframes conspiracy nuts give for the big shadowy organization of the week's GRAND MASTER PLAN never turn out to be true so they just keep pushing that timeframe back, hoping that one day something will happen that they can claim was what they predicted.
Also, 'Obola'? That's the best you lot have now?
I'm willing to wager my home against your largest personal asset that you're wrong.
As much as a sucker bet as that is, do you really want to wager your home against a tinfoil hat collection?
"...a colossal false flag event never seen in the history of USA."
Impressive. You admit that a colossal false flag event has never been seen in US history. The rest of your crap is dumb, though.
WTF is with "I**S"?
@Herp Derpington
Barack Osama
Please explain why he'd wait another two years to become dictator, after having spent the last six unable even to get government positions filled due to Republican filibusters. Oh, that's right. You're so clueless about how government actually works and anything even remotely resembling fact about what's been going on there that you think he's a dictator now.
"I'm 100% convinced that Obola will do everything in his power to avoid leaving the White House, be it through impeachment or elections."
At the end of Obama's term in office, when he steps down and the newly elected candidate assumes office just as usual, will you take time to reconsider all the other things you're 100% convinced of?
Somehow I doubt it.
I'd repeat what everybody else has said about how you conspiracy crazies have said this about every president, ever, but I know it's futile. I think that on some level these whack jobs really believe that their ranting about how "x is going to make himself dictator-for-life" is what stopped it from happening last time. When Obama leaves office they won't realize they were wrong, they'll just congratulate themselves on having publicized the issue.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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