Crustaciouse #racist

I punked out some niglets today. Being alpha male is the best lifefuel.

So I was walking today and there where two Dominicans in front of me (for anyone that doesn't know, Dominicans are basically heavily African mixed latinos). The two looked about highschool age but where skinny as fuck, about half a foot shorter then me and where wearing some trashy sound cloud niglet garbs.
There was a small opening in between one of the guys that was walking and I was in a hurry so I tried to squeeze in to get infront of those slow pokes.
But he swayed my way and I bumped into his arm, he said "damn say scuze me" under his breathe.
And then the other guy (who I assume was his brother) started talking shit to him and said "your such a pussy" and the other kid said "I'm not a pussy".
Damn my gymceling and natural height and muscle advantage as well as my ogre appearance is really pulling through. Im usually a pussy, but punking out other men is an amazing feeling, no wonder there are so many bullies.



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