"Given that atheistic evolutionary thinking has engendered social darwinism"
[citation needed]
"and given that the proponents of atheism have no rational basis for morality in their ideology"
Treat others as you'd want them to treat you. After all, you wouldn't like being killed, harmed, or your property stolen/damaged, therefore why should you do the same to others? Be good for goodness' sake. Commit acts of gratuitous kindness. See? Simple. And no religious dogma required.
"the immoral views that atheists often hold"
We don't go round cheating on our wives/girlfriends, embezzling funds, tax evasion, child abuse, nor murdering others. Unlike those 'paragons of Christian morality' Jimmy Swaggart & Ted Faggard, Jim Bakker, Kent Hovind, Tony Alamo & David J. Stewart, and Timothy McVeigh, Scott Roeder & God respectively (yes, even God himself is guilty of murder - especially in the OT - when he gave that 6th Commandment. Now what was it...?)
"and the low per capita giving of American atheists is not unpredictable."
Two Words: Bill Gates.
I'm sure my good friend & fellow FSTDTer Giveitaday can give you a more thorough point-by-point annihilation of the above, but my 20p's worth should be sufficient.