[Talking about a video in which a young girl tells a street preacher to shut up.]
What a vicious evil little brat. Can you imagine what this little cretin will be like in ten years? Oh and someone should tell her that she does not have the right to tell other people not to speak. The only right she does have is not to listen. Oh my bad, she is in the people's republic of taxachusetts, no wonder she thinks it's fine...
PS, OP? That little bitch will never be a lady. It just isn't in the genes...
"she does not have the right to tell other people not to speak. The only right she does have is not to listen."
So if you came across, say, the atheist counterpart to a street preacher, you wouldn't tell him/her to shut up?
That little girl was awesome. If somebody kept telling you you're going to hell no matter what you do, you'd tell them to fuck off too. Or how about I stand on a corner with a megaphone and tell you haven isn't real, your loved ones aren't watching over you from heaven, and your God is a work of fiction? You'd be encouraging your kids to tell shut up at me and praising her courage all over the internet and saying that I was in the wrong. Interesting double standard you've created there.
"Oh and someone should tell her that she does not have the right to tell other people not to speak".
Au contraire, davvi m'boy, she has every right to do that. Just as street preachers have the right to preach in the streets, anyone passing has the right to tell them to shut the fuck up because they're annoying. It's called "Freedom of speech".
What the girl wouldn't have the right to do is to force the preacher to shut up, e.g. by tying him up and gagging him (unless, you know, they're both into BDSM or something....).
It sucks when freedom applies equally to people who disagree with you, doesn't it?
Regards & all,
Thomas L. Nielsen
There's nothing vicious or evil about the girl; she's simply a heckler. If you're too sensitive to go into the public square without getting upset about being heckled then you shouldn't be there. Neither the girl nor the preacher are at a private gathering, and if the girl is disturbing people's quiet enjoyment of the street, then so is the preacher. Both have the right to free speech.
"Oh and someone should tell her that she does not have the right to tell other people not to speak."
If that's how rights work on your world, then, following your logic, you don't have the right to tell her not to tell other people not to speak.
good on the kid. somebody should tell her, just in case she hasn't already heard, that "well-behaved women seldom make history". the hell with being "ladylike", even as a male i can tell that that usually means being inconsequential.
and OF COURSE she has the right to tell street preachers to shut up! freedom of speech means they don't have to obey her, but equally it means she's free to speak her mind on whether or not they ought to be talking, as well.
Really? It was wrong of her to scream at the person in the street who was screaming at people in the street? Fucking hypocrite. Don't you know your heavenly hypocrite abhors a hypocrite?
++and someone should tell her that she does not have the right to tell other people not to speak. The only right she does have is not to listen.
She has every right to do that. Especially when she's telling those who say the same to everyone else. What she doesn't have the right to do -- and didn't do -- is try to physically silence him. She can cry, scream and throw a fit in public (like a good little Christian) all she likes so long as she doesn't throw a rock or a punch (because why sink to their level?).
In ten years, we're gonna have ourselves a lovely new commenter to FSTDT, I'd wager.
Also, who cares about "being a lady?" I married my wife because she's a kind, funny and quite silly person, not because she behaves in a way that your crumbling misogynistic society sees as "Proper" and "polite."
Tradition that isn't questioned turns to dogma, my friend. Always question what you are told, for if there is no logical explanation for it, there's probably no good reason to keep doing it.
A ten-year-old girl, even a meek and mild one, will have been told to shut up thousands of times. Maybe she is a brat, or maybe she's just demonstrating the rules of public conduct as she's learned them.
Actually she has every right to tell him to shutup. Just as the preacher has every right to preach as long as he isn't on private property. Then if the owners want they can silence him by kicking him off their property.
He can preach and she can tell him to shutup. Neither one has to listen to the other. Simple concept.
Since you are talking about rights I am assuming you are referring to the First Amendment. A right that far to few really understand. People get their comments blocked on websites and think their freedom of speech is being violated. People see a little girl tell an annoying proselytizer, who is espousing one of the most immoral ideologies ever to disgrace the human race, to shutup and they think she doesn't have a right to do so because their fragile sensibilities are offended.
P.S. How do you define a lady? A woman who keeps her mouth shut? And you really think you can tell by the actions of a 12 year old? I think she will grow up able to think for herself, keep her critical faculties intact, and not surrender her humanity to superstitous nonsense.
And what's with the gratuitous use of ellipses?
The little girl is pure awesome and the true Divine voice. May Devi give her a very long life!
You, on the other hand, "davvi", are the vicious evil little brat.
And calling a little child a "bitch"...how classy...NOT!
Oh and someone should tell her that she does not have the right to tell other people not to speak. The only right she does have is not to listen.
Except that telling someone to "shut up" is still free speech. The talker is not obliged to listen to the command. Just as you aren't obliged to listen to your own messiah's commands to love your neighbor, give away all of your money, and love your neighbor. However, I will use my free speech to call you an ignorant asshole.
Oh, and I went onto the forum. BIG mistake. Here's a nice little gem:
"if my child would ever display such ners i would fuckin brake her,she would be in bed for some time before she would walk again...
and i repeat, if she was MINE child"
Breaking children's legs. Stay classy, Christians.
From 'Anonymous Coward' in the same thread:
if my child would ever display such manners i would fuckin brake her,she would be in bed for some time before she would walk again...
and i repeat, if she was MINE child
Our town had a local street preacher who used to walk around all day carrying a huge wooden cross straight out in front of him with and haranguing anyone who looked his way. Apart from getting a bit of cheek from the local teenagers he was tolerated until following a local child abuse and murder scandal he decided to stand in the bandstand on the High Street on a Saturday morning with a PA system referencing the case and telling the public their sins were every bit as bad as the local child molester's.
It took several police officers to get him out in one piece and he was sectioned the same day I believe.
"someone should tell her that she does not have the right to tell other people not to speak."
But that someone would be telling her not to speak, and you've just said people don't have that right.
I mean seriously, it's in the same fucking sentence; you are advocating someone telling her she should be quiet and not to tell people to be quiet, because it's wrong to tell people people to be quiet and she doesn't have that right, so be quiet.
I guess you can't see the contradiction there, but then you're a fundtard, so perhaps I should have expected this.
What a vicious evil little brat.
Having looked at the video, I think the real reason behind the whole thing was that the "preacher" was using high volume loudspeakers and getting on everybody's nerves. He was apparently disturbing the peace.
Local comment re "taxachusetts"--This is the nickname that people give the relatively Liberal state of Massachusetts because its residents pay higher taxes than average in the US. This represents a wider set of Conservative beliefs about what is wrong with Massachusetts, all of which is blamed on its failure to be a nice market-driven theocracy like, say, Kansas.
Almost all these beliefs about Massachusetts are wrong. For instance, the state tax rates are average. People from Massachusetts only pay higher taxes because their per capita income (second only to Connecticut next door) puts them in high tax brackets.
But of course, "highpercapitaincomachusetts" doesn't have the same ring.
Other people have a right to not be followed and harassed.
When I have children, for this reason, I will try not to be very imperious with them. And I will never use "because I said so" as a reason--even as a small child, I knew it was illogical.
"someone should tell her that she does not have the right to tell other people not to speak."
Wouldn't that be telling someone they can't speak, the very thing you're saying isn't permitted?
But you're saying she didn't have the right to speak? "Shut up" also constitutes speaking, you halfwit.
I take my hat off to her for telling the preacher off, whatever pile of bullshit he was spouting at the time.
Freedom of speech in the public arena indeed, but aha, that is in fact the gist of this guys opinion.
The preacher, the right-wing, they have free speech, they've long been promoting the concept that no one can talk back, that's what this clown's doing.
The Palin Doctrine.
" This guys a lying evil dictator trying to get healthcare, social services and education to enslave you, We need to support our troops but not if Donald Trumps gotta pay taxes ohmygosh dontchaknow tyranny! "
Insert reasoned rebuttle resisting the urge to comment on her idiocy.
"Oh my look at them repressing me! They need to shut the Hell up when good Christians (copyright) is speakalizing. So uppity!"
Also, the girl told him to shutup. That was a request, not a denial of his rights or a threat of any kind.
This whole think reeks of their indoctrination to accept preaching as unavoidable and mandatory.
At a recent campaign event for a Republican there was a prayer time called, a reporter kept reporting in reasonable levels (you could still hear people shuffling, talking making various noises in the room) and was physically handled and threatened for not joining most the crowd.
This is what they want. Not obedience to the God even, not like they follow the rules, just that cave to religious authority.
Can you imagine what this little cretin will be like in ten years?
Indeed I can and it doesn't frighten me at all. I am delighted by the thought, actually. What about her frightens you , Whineypants?
While that WHAAAAAAMBULANCE is waiting, do you want some cheese with your whine , Lil' Miss Butthurt ?
You don't like this world, the only right you have is to not exist in it, divvy .
PS, OP? You whiny little bitch will never be a human. Because only carbon-based organic lifeforms here on Earth have genes.
@ Lauge (#1729785):
It sucks when freedom applies equally to people who disagree with you, doesn't it?
But fundies don't think it does apply equally.
By that logic, you don't have the right to tell the young girl not to say what she said.
Also...davvi? Calling the girl a "little bitch"? Adult behavior doesn't seem to be in your genes, either.
Dear me, God must be losing His touch. Heckling a man of God would warrant a mauling from a bear back in the good old days.
I guess He'll just have to make do with rabid neo-Neanderthals snarling at their screens in this urbanised century. A perfect being requires protection by perfect guards, if only to keep up appearances.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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