I have all my wisdom teeth
And I will keep them all until the day I die as long as I keep them clean and healthy. I guess I disprove evolution. Hey, if having one's wisdom teeth removed supposedly proves evolution, then the opposite is just as true.
Keep your tonsils and appendix, too.
Here, you can have mine.
> I have all my wisdom teeth <
Too bad you had the wisdomectomy.
the "proof he's talking about is that human's jaws have shrunk while retaining the same number of teeth, so there's no room for wisdom teeth.
However, this has more to do with environmental changes than evolutionary ones. People who grow up chewing lots of very tough food (as everyone did before we learned how to cook meat) have larger jaws with plenty of room for wisdom teeth.
I fail to see what your wisdom teeth have to do with disproving evolution, but if you had some like mine, you'd be screaming in agony and begging to have the excruciating sons of bitches cut out. You couldn't even lie. God may have put those fuckers in there, but they would be coming out .
I've got my tonsils, appendix and wisdom teeth, all of them. Could I use this to my advantage in your eyes? You know, bilk you for shit. That is provided you're dumb enough to keep up this argument beyond saying it this once =D
Feel free to let me know when I can start using you :)
"And I will keep them all until the day I die as long as I keep them clean and healthy."
Congratulations. You're a mutant.
And here you jackasses are always saying all mutations are harmful...
"I guess I disprove evolution."
No. You don't.
"Hey, if having one's wisdom teeth removed supposedly proves evolution, then the opposite is just as true."
Only in Conservapedia land.
No one is this stupid, please, please, for the love of all that is sane tell me no one is this stupid.
As much as I hate to say it, I think I can follow his, er, logic.
Somewhere he heard that one example of human evolution-in-progress is the disappearance of wisdom teeth. (I've also heard that we're losing our pinky toes and, possibly, our pinkies). He must have heard that some people are losing their wisdom teeth. From there, he conflated "losing" as in "not being born with" with "losing" as in "choosing to get rid of." Keep going down this line and the conclusion he comes to is that if he doesn't lose his teeth, then evolution isn't true.
And now my head hurts.
So you admit God is a terrible designer. One should reasonably expect that a supreme being could get everyone's teeth to grow in properly.
And no, having wisdom teeth removed only proves the existence of dentistry.
I have all my wisdom teeth
Too bad you don't have any wisdom.
I guess I disprove evolution.
No, the fact that you have your wisdom teeth is evidence for evolution. Why would your god create a body part that you don't use?
A short bit of background on this: One of Conservapedia's "proofs" of creationism was that humans have the exact number of teeth to fit in their jaws.
Somebody pointed out that wisdom teeth exist and can cause serious problems, and got banned for that.
... Which doesn't change the fact that Jinx (hi Jinx!) is crazy.
@atheist crusader
Well I was born without wisdom teeth on the left side of my mouth, but did have them on the right (since had one of those removed).
I suppose that makes me a transitional form.
No, it doesn't. Evolution is proved by the fact that the vast majority of people have to have their wisdom teeth removed. A handful of people who don't have to have oral surgery are simply proof that the change in human jaw structure and the number of teeth is a gradual process, which is what you'd expect. An entire species doesn't just suddenly evolve to not have wisdom teeth anymore.
I had all four wisdom teeth too. Until I got them removed, because the upper ones were totally useless (pointing towards my cheeks) and the lower ones were impacted and would have likely resulted in the loss of my main molars as well if left in place.
So... yeah. More proof that we have useless body parts that evolution is in the process of gradually getting rid of. What's your point?
And, using your viewpoint, why would God deliberately give us useless teeth? Or maybe that was another of Satan's tricksy ideas...
One of Conservapedia's "proofs" of creationism was that humans have the exact number of teeth to fit in their jaws.
Amazingly, our legs are just long enough to reach the ground, too. Praise Jebus!
So far, I have one wisdom tooth that came through that was fine, and one that came through that had to be removed.
Therefore evolution is both true and false simultaneously!
I have a good friend who never got her wisdom teeth. We tease her and call her the missing link. She is 42 yrs old so I don't think she will be getting them soon.
Another friend is an dental hygenist and she says that she has seen a few people come in that have never gotten their wisdom teeth. Maybe in a few thousand years no one will have them, who knows?
I have all mine as well, and I haven't had any trouble with them, but my husband and two sons had to have theirs removed.
I have all my wisdom teeth too. I'm in my 40's and they so far have never been a bother to me. That may or may not change someday, if and when it does I'll deal with it then.
It proves nothing except that everyone's teeth are different.
I could have kept mine too, but I didn't. Hope you don't go deaf from Eustachian Tube infection. Lack of space for Wisdom teeth is proof of good dentistry, not evolution. Wisdom teeth themselves, or a smaller jaw size, might be a selected beneficial mutation however. They're spares. Ever notice how teeth crowd forward with age? This is especially true if you don't have a perfect dental arch, or one that hasn't been corrected with orthodontics, or you have a tooth pulled.
I think I have three, one just disintegrated on me, there were just splinters left. Does that mean I'm evolving in my lifetime? I thought evolution was a process that took several generations. But what do I know?
"A short bit of background on this: One of Conservapedia's "proofs" of creationism was that humans have the exact number of teeth to fit in their jaws."
Just like we have the exact number of eyeballs to fit in the eyesockets in our skulls. Amazing!
(Except the people who are born without eyeballs. Guess God's assembly workers were out on lunch when they were created...)
I have my tonsils and appendix, but my wisdom teeth were removed (they were growing sideways into my jaws, ouch!).
Does that make me the missing link, thus proving evolution?
Swing and a miss. It is the PRESENCE of wisdom teeth and the need to have them removed that can be considered to be evidence of evolution. By keeping them, you preserve yourself as a specimen possessing vestigial features, offering evidence FOR evolution.
I have both of the wisdom teeth I was born with, my appendix, my tonsils and have only had to have surgery twice in my entire life, both minor surgeries when I wasn't even two years old, what's your point?
Well, I had only 3 wisdom teeth, meaning I was born with the capacity to have one less useless tooth. I had them removed so I wouldn't have to deal with the pain that I would have experience later in life as per the the diagnosis of their growth pattern, being they would have impacted my main molars. That and since I had only 3, and since wisdom teeth push the teeth forward, I would assume that it would push my teeth unevenly due to lack of one on one side.
It is a fact that due to the change of diet over the past thousands of years, the human jaw has gradually become smaller, even though the wisdom teeth still exist. However, I think instances where people are born with less teeth is an indication that we are slowly losing the need of them as a species.
Not only did I have my wisdom teeth yanked, I had four additional teeth pulled because they had no adult behind them and my jaw was crowded.
Okay, now that we've shared the landscapes of our mouths... what the hell are you talking about?
Wisdom teeth alone don't prove or disprove anything. For what it's worth, however, I have one wisdom tooth, which erupted a few weeks after its neighbouring molar had to be removed due to an infection (caused by an injury, my oral hygiene is perfectly fine). None of my other wisdom teeth have erupted, and I still have all of my other molars. Losing a molar often encourages you wisdom tooth to grow in, not just in my case either. This would seem to support the theory that our wisdom teeth acted as backups for the time when we lacked dentistry, and were prone to losing our teeth.
I plan on keeping this tooth, even though it creates minor discomfort. It grew in at a weird angle due to the missing molar, so it, unlikely my other wisdom teeth, manages to kind of fit into my jaw, and it gives me more biting space. I'm getting the other three removed when they start to come in, though. Based on x-rays, they aren't going to fit into my jaw, particularly the top two.
So, I wonder what my mouth proves by this guy's logic? That one quarter of our bodies were created, and the rest evolved? Evolution is 1/4 false and 3/4 true? Who knows?
My x-rays confused the hell out of my dentist until she called in her partner who had seen something like it before. I had five of them.
My top two wisdom teeth were coming in fine, but the bottom two were going to cause problems as there wasn't enough space for them. I ended up having all four removed. The fifth will never emerge on it's own; it is a midget tooth and way back on the top. They tried to get it during surgery but it was out of reach.
It was fun as hell telling my family about it, "yeah, I had four of my wisdom teeth pulled, but they couldn't get to the fifth."
What worries me is my canines. The roots are so long they are pressing up against my sinus cavity. They haven't peirced it yet, but a strong hit to my hansom face could cause a lot of problems for me.
The result: evolution provided me with a smaller mouth than my dad (who still has all four), a mutation caused a fifth tooth that will never be useful, surgery is almost certainly in my future, and you're an idiot.
I'm glad you are one of the lucky ones that doesn't have to have them removed, you're a throwback to a previous evolutionary state,this is also apparent in the fact that you think that that's a good argument against evolution and the fact that you hang out on conservapedia.
I still have my tonsils and appendix because neither has gotten infected, I actually don't know about the wisdom teeth, I've had so much surgery on my jaws that they may have pulled them at some point.
I've still got all my wisdom teeth, although since they're very hard for me to reach when I floss or brush my teeth, I've got plans for getting them removed as soon as I can can afford to. I'd rather avoid getting gum disease. Actually *feels her jaw* it seems like one hasn't erupted at all. Dammit, it was bad enough when I had to get nine baby teeth that just wouldn't come out surgically removed.
So now that I've shared some dental history with you, what were you talking about again?
Gee, why didn't biologists think of that. Here they've been studying evolution for a century and a half, when all they had to do was find somebody who still has wisdom teeth and the whole theory would become nonsense! [/sarcasm]
the "proof he's talking about is that human's jaws have shrunk while retaining the same number of teeth, so there's no room for wisdom teeth.
However, this has more to do with environmental changes than evolutionary ones. People who grow up chewing lots of very tough food (as everyone did before we learned how to cook meat) have larger jaws with plenty of room for wisdom teeth.
No wonder Jinxmchue has all his wisdom teeths, then: a diet of KJV Bible pages has to require strong jaws...
I have all my wisdom teeth
uhh, okay... good for you? O.o
And I will keep them all until the day I die as long as I keep them clean and healthy.
...as opposed to having them removed anyway? i don't know of any people who have recreational dental work.
I guess I disprove evolution.
well, you certainly don't seem to be from an evolved state of intelligence, at least.
Hey, if having one's wisdom teeth removed supposedly proves evolution, then the opposite is just as true.
you fail logic forever!
The fact that we now have dentistry, that can remove irksome teeth, isn't that slowing down the evolution? If we hadn't been able to remove them, those of us who are born without wisdom teeth would have an advantage over the rest of us, who would have had to live with constant pain for years.
I had a tooth (a canine-neighbor) that was so comfy in the roof of my mouth that it refused to move down and push out the baby tooth. I had to have a brace for years, to draw it into place. Evidence against Intelligent Design.
Of course they don't fall. The point is that they're impractical and painful, and if they had been designed that way, the designer would be incompetent, ignorant or evil.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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