Of course we won’t call it that because we haven’t admitted to ourselves that we are a banana republic, but that’s really the only hope, I think, we have in the event that Trump and Bolton spark off what could be a World War. All of this sounds so hyperbolic? They said irony died after 9/11. Hyperbole died after 11/9.
Many posters here are anti-military. You shouldn’t be. You might be anti-war, but that’s different. The military is one of the most representative bodies of American diversity, a means to middle-class jobs that doesn’t require six figures of student loans, and one that mostly preaches good policies even if it doesn’t always follow them.
Even though I am a strong believer in our military, I don’t think a junta of generals should be running our country. Some kind of legal fiction involving the 25th Amendment seems to be the likely cover.
I hope it doesn’t come to this, but there are no other checks left on Trump. Congress is his patsy. Anyone who doesn’t kiss his ass and call it ice cream is out of the executive branch.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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