I have my opinions and you will not change them. I used to be a pro-abort non-believin' hedonistic agnostic. I know exactly how atheists think. I certainly have known enough of them. I was NOT raised in Church and was not influenced to believe in God at all by my parents.
I also said that atheists who WRITE CHECKS TO THE ACLU are supporting an organization that supports and defends child rapists and murderers using sophistical arguments about what "free speech" is. As an atheist, you should denounce the ACLUE for that ALONE. Instead, we have endless pontificating on this board, IN THIS THREAD about the virtuous ACLU. What a bunch of bunk. The truth is ugly and it hurts, but debating with you or getting into some kind of gutter argument debate about what atheists believe will NOT change my opinion of atheists or their belief system that is built on sinking sand.
Have a nice weekend.
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