Jesus Christ is Lord #fundie
Satan has been working behind the scenes to Destroy Humans since the Beginning in the Garden of Eden.
Today Satan is using the Government, Corporations, Schools, Media as well as Religious and Secular Cults to Attack and Destroy
Humans and the Earth that supports all life.
His Methods of Destruction include Physical, Moral(Mental) and Spiritual attacks on Individuals, Families, Communities, Nations
and the whole World.
Many of these Attacks at the Individual and Family level could be stopped by simply recognizing them and avoiding them.
Attacks that destroy through the corruption of Air, Water and Land require Political Change.
Physical Weapons of Destruction
(P1)Radiation:(Fukashima, Depleted Uranium Weapons, Nuke Power, Cell, Wifi, TV/Radio, Microwave)
(P2)Abortions: Child Sacrifice by M.D., Birth Control Pills , Morning after Pills
(P3)High Fructose Corn Syrup:GMO, Immune Suppressor, Mineral Depletion, Feeds Yeast,Mold,Bacteria
(P4)Refined Sugar:Immune Suppressor, Mineral Depletion, Feeds Yeast,Mold,Bacteria
(P5)GMO:Causes Cancer, Infertility and destroys the Colon, found in verities of Wheat, Corn, Soy, Canola, Cotton, Sugar Beats, Potato and squash.
(P6)Fluoride: Nerve toxin, Cancer cause, often banned as a pesticide (because it is too dangerous)
(P7)Aspartame - NutraSweet / Splenda - sucralose(Numerous health problems too many to list)
(P8)Antibiotics/Antibacterial Cleaners (Kill off good bacteria leaving prime conditions for Yeast, Bacteria and Mold Growth)
(P9)Rx Drugs / Big Pharma Industrial Complex (mask symptoms, poison the body making more new disease)
(P10)Processed Foods - Low in Nutrition, High in Chemicals often contain GMO's and Chemicals
(P11)BPA Hormone Disruptor
(P12)MSG Nural Toxin added to food as taste enhancer
(P13)Propylene glycol Put in Food and some medications
(P14)Chemtrails (toxic spray from NWO Airplanes)
(P15)Vaccines (biological Weapons causing huge list of problems including Death)
(P16)Food Dyes
(P19)Antiperspirant - Aluminum compounds - breast cancer
(P20)Baking Powder - Aluminum
(P21)Sunscreens/Lotions - Chemicals
(P24)Tobacco / E-Cigarettes
(P25)Illegal Drugs
Moral(Mental)Weapons of Destruction
(M1)WAR - Military Industrial Complex (Gov Promoting Division and Hatred to induce Killing and other Crimes)
(M2)Addictions (TV, Internet Surfing, Social Media, Video Games, Sports, Porn, drugs)
(M3)Gangs (Culture of Death)
(M4)Racism (Teaching/Preaching Hatred because of Physical, Moral, Cultural, Spiritual Differences)
(M5)False Flags (mass murders blamed on innocent parties using controlled Media)
(M6)STRESS Increased Levels (doom on every day)
(M7)Political Process Failures (Failure of Justice System and no Redress of grievances)
Spiritual Weapons of Destruction
By attacking God, The Word of God and the Doctrines of God Satan has sought to pull people away from the Truth and get them to
believe in Lies.
Rebuke the LIES of Satan Using The Word of God
Word of God = King James Bible
Rebuke the LIES of Satan Using the Truth, The Word of God.
Lie - Scripture exposing/rebuking lie
(S1)There is NO GOD. - Isaiah 45:21-23
(S2)The Big Bang theory. - Genesis 01:31 - 2:01
(S3)Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. - Genesis 01:27, Romans 1:20
(S4)Aliens exist from other worlds. - Acts 17:22-32, Acts 19:35
(S5)There is no life after Death. - John 05:29, Mat 27:53
(S6)There is no Hell or Heaven. - Luke 16:23, Acts 1:11
(S7)It is Good for people to Tolerate Sin. - Romans 01:18-02:29, Luke 17:29
(S8)Abortion is not murder. - Exodus 21:22-23
(S9)Fornication and Adultery are O.K. - John 8:3-8:11
(S10)Pornography is not the same as Adultery, and harms nobody. - Matthew 05:27-5:29, 2 Peter 2:14
(S11)We can’t trust God’s Word because we don’t really know what it is. - Psalm 12:06, Matthew 24:35, 2 Corinthians 11:3-4
(S12)If we can’t trust in God, then we must trust ourselves as God instead. - Genesis 03:04-05, Romans 05:01, Romans 10:02-04
(P2)Abortions - USA Child Sacrifice/Murders (Genocide of the Unborn)
as of July 28, 2014
(USA since 1973=57Million) (World since 1980 1.34 Trillion)
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The Pill is used by about 14,000,000 American women each year and 60,000,000 internationally. Thus, even an infinitesimally low portion (say one-hundredth of one percent) of 780 million Pill cycles per year globally could represent tens of thousands of unborn children lost to this form of chemical abortion annually. How many young lives have to be jeopardized for prolife believers to question the ethics of using the Pill? This is an issue with profound moral implications for those believing we are called to protect the lives of children.
After the Pill had been on the market fifteen years, many serious negative side effects of estrogen had been clearly proven. These included blurred vision, nausea, cramping, irregular menstrual bleeding, headaches, increased incidence of breast cancer, strokes, and heart attacks, some of which led to fatalities.