Dr. Phil advices women in abusive relationships to "leave and ... find the right man." What horrible advice! Is this what God wants us to do? Here's what the Word of God teaches in Matthew 5:32... "But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery." Clearly, Dr. Phil does not believe the Bible. There is nothing in the Word of God which permits anyone from breaking their marriage vows. You do remember don't you? ... "For better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness, as in health, 'til death do us part." But Dr. Phil says move on to greener pastures. Only God knows how many divorces Dr. Phil has caused, and how many millions of people are now living in adultery because of his evil advice. What a sorry attitude ... when the going gets tough, quit! No wonder the Bible forewarned in 2nd Timothy 4:3, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears." Dr. Phil is a false prophet!
There's a Mrs. Stewart?
I am sad now.
That verse is talking to men. Mentions nothing about women walking out on you if you're a twat.
Gosh, isn't selective literalism marvellous?
Okay, I've got to call Poe on David J here. Sorry, too many crazy posts in such a short time. He's funny and all but if I believed that such stupidity existed...well I don't know but I'd rethink my ideas on democracy.
Clearly, Dr. Phil does not believe the Bible.
Well, he's just gone up in my estimation.
"Here's what the Word of God teaches in Matthew 5:32... "But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication , causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery." Clearly, Dr. Phil does not believe the Bible. There is nothing in the Word of God which permits anyone from breaking their marriage vows. "
Is it just me, or do we have a contradiction here?
Actually, a friend of mine had an experience with Dr. Phil long before the man was known through the media, the outcome of which leads me to believe that the man is a monstrous hypocrite -- and a few details about his life since he became a celebrity only cement this view for me.
But that still doesn't mean that David J. Stewart's opinion here of Dr. Phil has even the faintest rationality to it, or even a basis in reality.
~David D.G.
Should I remind you that they are not looking for "greener pastures", that they're actually protecting their lives?, do you realise that the part you're quoting refers to a man who lives his wife for GREENER PASTURES, not the victim of abuse?. Obviously, it's you the one who doesn't believe in the Bible, bearing in mind that you're incapable of regarding the fact that the one who is breaking the marriage vows is the husband, not the wife.
Dr. Phil is a lame source for any kind of objective advice. He's is generally too conservative and sometimes homophobic.
But you, Mr. Stewart, are a monster, a total scumbag.
Fucking abuse apologists.
Even Dr Phil, as much as I detest him, doesn't have his head THIS far up his ass.
I wasn't aware that Dr. Phil claimed to be any kind of prophet.
And you David J. Stewart, are a complete and utter twit.
I've read sentences made of fail and suck.
I've read paragraphs made of it.
I've even read novels made of it.
But, until now, I didn't know people could be made of the stuff.
"There is nothing in the Word of God which permits anyone from breaking their marriage vows. You do remember don't you? ...'For better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness, as in health, 'til death do us part.'"
You do know that that's not actually IN the Bible? The Church of England came up with that, I believe, to make official their wedding ceremonies.
Ooh, are we doing Bible verses?
Matthew 7:12 "...do to others what you would have them do to you."
Women can fight back against their abusive husbands then. Or do you say 'no' to that one? Do you maybe not believe the Bible?
Does anyone else suspect that if it were not for fear of gawd and David J., Mrs. Stewart would have left his sorry ass already?
I don't believe Dave could find anyone daft enough to marry him. I think that's why he spends so much time lusting after teenage girls in music videos.
Hey Dave! I really respect you! But I have to rebuke you in a kind matter. I am a woman and if a man ever abused me and I am saying this honestly, I would divorce him. Why don't you try being a woman and seeing what it's like to be petrified of abuse! I mean I know I am a sinner and if I ever divorce in my life then I guess I sinned and I know Jesus will forgive me! If divorce is a sin I commit, then that's just the way it is! But I trust Jesus....imputed righteousness....and not my own because then I would be arrogant and self-righteousness! God Forbid!
Love always,
So a woman should stay with an abusive husband until he kills her? Fuck no!
Those "for better, for worse" are man made vows, not a damned thing 'holy' about them.
David must be the arithmetic man; he adds trouble, subtract pleasure, divide arrogance, and multiply ignorance. Anyone who abuses dumb@$$ has no right to be with me, you wartfaced... baboon!
Although Dr. Phil did put the question in a sexist way that both Feminists and MRAs would like to argue with, it itself is not bad advice. If you are living in your mother's basement and she beats you, for example, you should also leave the relationship.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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