[On a discussion about the difference between the protestant version and Catholic version of the 10 commandments]
The Catholic religion has created its own loophole so you can perform your idolotry on Mary, Pedro...etc.
However, now that we have more bibles than rolls of toilet paper on this planet, ....it can't be kept a secret and the Catholic mindcontrol has been exposed...
"However, now that we have more bibles than rolls of toilet paper on this planet"
I'm picturing you rolling on the floor of a bible print shop masturbating...
"it can't be kept a secret and the Catholic mindcontrol has been exposed"
That's what you think. Agent #2608323 has been dispatched to your house, they're gonna set up a statue of Pedro in your garden, slip laxatives into your tea, and brainwash you with porn.
Are there actually more Bibles than rolls of toilet paper on the planet? I find that very hard to believe.
As an atheist I own a KJV, a Catholic Bible c/w the Apocrypha (and a Koran and many books on mythology) and I have on average six bog rolls in the house at any given time. Allowing for the huge numbers of Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Confucians, Sikhs etc etc who probably don't own a Bible at all I need a source quoted before I'm accepting clh1217's claim.
Considering the Catholic church was responsible for compiling the bible, how are they the ones that altered it? Read something other than your KJV Only bible and web sites, Jack Chick tracts and Jesus-is-Lord.com; when you do so you might actually learn something about other Christians rather than allowing yourself to be brainwashed in the Protestant manner.
"now that we have more bibles than rolls of toilet paper on this planet"
Yeah, I know...but those damn gilded edges make it so hard to use pages from the Bible properly...
All religion is mind control. No exceptions.
@ Nirjuana. Sorry, but you don't seem quite have the picture. Catholics honour Mary as the Mother of Jesus, who is God. They do no worship her. However, because of her exalted position as Theotokos (God Bearer) they place her high in honour above all other humans and saints. But no true Catholic could worship Mary as she is, in the final analysis, a human being. You seem to have been taken in a bit by the fundie protestant canard. Hope this clarifies it for you. Whatever, it's still all mumbo jumbo.
Pedro, ay ay ay, ¿Quién es?
Bibles and toilet paper. Yeah, I see the connection.
Both are for shit.
The only difference between the Catholic and Protestant versions of the 10 Commandments is the Catholics combine the first two and split the "thou shalt not covets".
Catholics believe in the intercession of saints, including Mary; that is, they believe one can ask saints in heaven to pray for them. Protestants accept the idea of one living person praying for another, and do so all the time. Luther rejected the idea of dead people in heaven praying for us; not so much because he thought there was strong scriptural support against it, but because he was opposed to the Catholic Church's abusive practices, such as the selling of "indulgences".
However, now that we have more bibles than rolls of toilet paper on this planet, ....it can't be kept a secret and the Catholic mindcontrol has been exposed...
Except from the fact that Christians typically don't read more than select passages and chapters from their Bibles, that sounds about right.
"we have more bibles than rolls of toilet paper on this planet"
I am above wiping myself with another religion's holy book.
But I am not above joking about it.
You know what's funny, is that the Ten Commandments aren't listed like
Commandment 1: blah blah blah
Commandment 2: blah blah blah
It's more like this. Here are the Ten Commandments. Blah blah blah. And if you read it there are actually 11 or so things on the list so the Jews, Protestants, and Catholics each have their own way of figuring out how to make Ten Commandments out of 11.
The number of crucifixes and other depictions of Christ is a pretty staggering testament to the amount of idolatry in Christianity.
Then there's 'Christ Redeemer', undeniably the largest idol in the world.
@ Fanatic templar
Except that Catholics don't worship crucifixed anymore than protestants worship crosses. So your Protestant prejudice shows a little.
Even I know that Catholics use them as objects to guide their thoughts to Jesus's sufferings and enable them to reach some understanding of their Saviour's sufferings. The Orthodox use their icons in much the same way, and venerate them far more obviously than Catholics display their veneration.
The tradition of veneration, it might interest you to know, goes right back to the days of the Roman Empire in the the West. And the Iconoclasts in the East were declared heretical in about the 800s - long before Protestantism was ever thought of.
Er, what's the difference in the ten commandments for Catholics and Protestants? Does one actually have the seething a kid in his mother's milk thing?
Nah, that's in the first set of Ten Commandments. No-one takes any notice of those any more.
American's have no room for accuse Catholics of making an Idol out Mary, when they worship a flag and sing God Bless America because they believe it is God's own best country in the world. Especially as the anti-Catholic vitriol is actually anti-Europe and anti-UN and based on the belief that the Pope will be the Anti-Christ...
Oh, you wanna talk about loopholes, huh, Mr. "I can be as much of a jagoff asshat as I like, Jesus and I are BFFs 5EVAR soi he'll let me in"?
Maybe toilet rolls are a rare luxury where you live, but for the rest of us? No.
P.S. Pedro? Does he run a gardening service in partnership with that other well known Mexican, Jesus?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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