Santa is evil! Santa claus is wicked. Santa is of the Devil. Did you ever stop to realize that Santa Claus is a clone of the Lord Jesus, intended to replace Jesus in the minds of little children. Just as Jesus knows all, so does Santa. Santa knows if you've been bad or God, something that ONLY God could know (Proverb 15:3). Santa brings unlimited amounts of goodness and gifts to the world, but the Bible says that all good things come only from God (James 1:17). Santa is always pictured as a jolly and righteous fellow, but ONLY Jesus is without sin (2nd Corinthians 5:17). Santa has superpowers: able to make reindeers fly, speak all languages, travel the entire world in one night, able to deliver billions of pounds of presents; but the Bible teaches that ONLY the Lord Jesus Christ can do all things (Jeremiah 32:27). Santa also comes down a chimney, representing Christ who will return from above. Clearly, everything about Santa Claus is a demonic replica of our precious Saviour. Santa Claus is a great imposter, a phony, a fake!!! This is why I call Santa, Satan Claus. Little children are extremely impressionable and DO believe that Santa exists. The consequences of such wickedness is to effectively block Jesus Christ out of a child's mind. Little children spends thousands of hours during each year thinking about Satan Claus, while ignoring the Lord God Who created them. John 1:10, "He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not."
Do these rants need to be posted anymore? I think we get it.
And cool, Santa knows if I've been God. Freudian slip, David.
In the pitch darkness, extreme cold and unbelievable pressure of the very bottom of the Marianas trench, some seven miles from the surface, there lives a microscopic nematode worm. This animal is absolutely unique. It is the thing in the entire universe that David J. Stewart does NOT believe to be evil.
Yeah, yeah..Santa is false and wicked because he does what Jesus does, but only Jesus can do what Jesus does because the bible says so.
lol. Missing the point of Santa - David, yer doing it right.
Ok, Santa is wicked. Got it!
Santa is a clone of jebus. Got it!
Therefore, jebus is evil! Cool!
Do you think that David just realized that Santa is not real?
Also, I always kind of thought that Christianity used Santa as a way to prepare young minds to believe the unbelievable. It is very easy for a 4 year to understand that if I am good, Santa will give me whatever I ask for. Much more short term rewards. It then is a small stretch from there to "understanding' that Jesus will give me everlasting rewards so long as I give 10% of my income to him. After all, Jesus loves you and is omnipotent but he needs money.
I'm confused. I thought it was us evil atheists that were supposedly waging a "war on Christmas" and here's David J. Stewart trying to smear the most universal symbol of Christmas single handed.
You're a strange one David. Strange indeed.
Little children are extremely impressionable and DO believe that Santa exists.
Yeah, and they think monsters live in their closets, too. But they usually figure it out by the age of 7 or 8. Lighten up, Dave.
Talk about an overreaction. I never really connected Santa and Jesus as the same, probaby because you are supposed to worship Jesus all the time, and Santa only comes once a year.
Seriously, this dude is a troll. Or a blathering idiot.
Dave, I don't think any child spends half as much time obsessing over Santa Clause as you do.
Now for the love of your god, go get laid before your balls explode.
And what's even worse is that once kids figure out that Santa is just a nice little myth, they may apply the same logical thinking to Daddy Skyfairy, God, Jr., and the Holey Spook.
Admit it, David J., that's what really has your fundie panties in a twist, isn't it?
Santa knows if you've been bad or God
Are there any children out there who are God? :D
This is why I call Santa, Satan Claus
His name was Satan, Satan Claus :D
Little children spends thousands of hours during each year thinking about Satan Claus, while ignoring the Lord God Who created them
Hm, if this is right, god might be in need of a little PR campaing. Maybe if he comes down the chimney, once a year, bringing presents with him, little children will start to think about god more ;)
Amazing! One whole post in which he doesn't mention how sexy he finds pubescent girls to be!*
*That's not really praise, that's like saying: "Congratulations! You didn't shit yourself this time!"
"Did you ever stop to realize that Santa Claus is a clone of the Lord Jesus, intended to replace Jesus in the minds of little children."
Says the follower of a knock-off Zoroastrian Mithra cult.
I must have missed the parts where Santa Claus healed the blind and lame and sick, was crucified but rose again in everlasting glory 3 days later, and then ascended unto heaven to the right hand of God The Father, and was the way, the truth and the life, only through whom man could reach heaven, and was to be worshiped forever and ever, amen.
This is why I call Santa, Satan Claus.
*Whew* <whistle> Damn, I never thought of that one. Look at that right there, if you just transpose a couple letters -- this is NEW! . You're on top of the game, Dave-o.
"This is why I call Santa, Satan Claus."
That's okay David, Santa calls you a miserable dumb fuck in the back of your Dad's Chevy. I guess that makes us even. Now go stuff a figgy pudding where the sun don't shine.
- Santa
rubber chicken's post was hilarious!
But seriously, I'm starting to think that this guy is a Poe/Troll.
thats it no toys for YOU this year. you are right off santas list
your a bad man, and stupid too. do you not realise that father christmas was actually St Nicholas. Thats right he was a SAINT and you call him satan clausSHAME ON YOU SHAME ON YOU SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!
dont worry santa, we all believe in you even if mardy pants david don't like you!!!!!!
Santa is evil!
Hi, David. *waves*
"Santa has superpowers: able to make reindeers fly, speak all languages, travel the entire world in one night, able to deliver billions of pounds of presents; but the Bible teaches that ONLY the Lord Jesus Christ can do all things (Jeremiah 32:27)."
.........So Jesus is the one flying around and delivering presents? Sweet!
No, sir Fundie OP, Santa Claus is:
1. A corruption of St. Nicholas of the Catholic polytheistic system.
2. A tool to make it easier for children to accept something they never see, hear, or observe in any other way except when they are told by their superiors that these acts (presents, supposed supernatural events), are from the entity.
Is there no sanitarium that would give refuge to poor bewildered David J. Stewart?
BTW, the J stands for Jesus. He has identity issues too.
Santa has superpowers: able to make reindeers fly, speak all languages, travel the entire world in one night, able to deliver billions of pounds of presents
Actually, Santa doesn't have super powers. He does however have some magic dust.
*Cheech and Chong fans know of which I speak of*
Ugh, it's always the same with this idiot. "X IS OF THE DEVIL, Y IS OF THE DEVIL, Z IS OF THE DEVIL!"
This is too funny to be anything other than a Poe. Be it Poe or real, the writer or writers need to get off the computer, and take a good look around the world they're missing.
As an aside, I've heard that 'Jesus-is-Lord' is a Poe, created by alt.atheism users. This website could also be from alt.atheism.
I wonder what it's like to be a batshit insane, paranoid killjoy?
Maybe David here can tell me some day when I'm visiting the lunatic asylum.
So...if I see someone beating someone else up, I don't know if they're being bad or good? (Er...God?)
And if I give someone a gift I'm trying to replace God?
No one other than God can be "jolly and righteous?" The hell?
Santa may be able to do a lot of things, but it's not like he does "all things."
Coming down the chimney equals Jesus's Second Guess I should never walk down a staircase ever again. Or take an elevator down. Shameful.
Man, people like this make us sane Christians look bad... dumb was the Christians who integrated santa clause into the holidy to begin with. Now you are fighting a war against Santa and Christmas, so merry fucking Christmas jackass.. go on, tell all of those little boys and girls that Santa is of the devil and they will be getting no presents this year.
Damn, your previous imitations of a Fundie were so good that I believed them throughout all the bat-shit insane crap you've posted before, David. Finally you've gone too far. You ARE a troll trying to make Christians look ridiculous.
It's comedy gold, sure, but way too painting the lily.
Um, apparantly you missed the whole basis of the Santa Claus story. Santa Claus is based on the life of Saint Nikolas. He traveled across eastern Europe giving gifts of food, toys, and gold to destitute families. His giving was inspired by CHRISTIANITY and because of that he was subsequently canonized... you bigot.
Wow, that guy is plain out sinane!
@ Fred: Not everywhere... Northern Germany seems to favour the "Weihnachtsmann", what, after all is just our version of Santa... Come to think of it: We guys also have Nikolaus (Santa costume and all), right... I never realized as a kid I was getting the presents (the small ssweets and such on 6th of December and the big things on Christmas Eve) from the same person... - It's so obvious but i never made the connection...
"Santa is evil! Santa claus is wicked. Santa is of the Devil"
Guess who didn't get the GI Joe or Evel Knievel playset they wanted?
"Santa brings unlimited amounts of goodness and gifts to the world, but the Bible says that all good things come only from God"
Strange. And I thought the external USB 1 Tb HD I got for Xmas last year was from my sister? I never knew SHE was God?!
"Santa is always pictured as a jolly and righteous fellow, but ONLY Jesus is without sin"
Saying someone can be one thing, but another person can't is discrimination. Thus Jesus (& God) is evil. Therefore he's a contradiction to himself, ergo, he doesn't exist. QED.
"Santa has superpowers: able to make reindeers fly, speak all languages, travel the entire world in one night, able to deliver billions of pounds of presents; but the Bible teaches that ONLY the Lord Jesus Christ can do all things"
Ergo, Optimus Prime >>>>> Jesus.
Santa and Jesus do have a lot in common, chief amongst which is that neither exists.
And try using paragraphs next time.
@ apYrs
and we think the Landover Babtists are a parody!
DJS is a vision of the nastier side of Xianity.
There's another side?
Also, there is ample evidence of the existence of Nicolaus.
Jesus & God - mmm, not so much.
It's evil to give kids presents?
You do know why he's called Santa Clause, don't you, Davey? It's after Saint Nicholas, a Christian bishop.
I never believed in Santa, because my parents presented it to us kids as a game of make-believe. They taught us to question everything, including religion.
Jeez, is there anything that Stewart doesn't hate?!?
For that matter, is there anything too petty for Stewart to complain about it?
Parents need to stop lying to children about Santa Claus. Santa is really Satan in disguise, and Santa is a great deceiving angel of light. Santa Claus is one of the biggest lies from Satan. Don't get me wrong, I have the knowledge to know right from wrong, I believe that the lies of Satan is wrong and false. Lies have no truth.
Lying is just wrong.
I believe gifts come from our Heavenly Father which is in Heaven. Goodness, precious and truth comes from God. God is all truth, He does not lie like Santa (Satan) does. God is our Creator and Satan Claus is evil. Santa has nothing to do with God at all. I believe that God is all-powerful and holy and not Santa who is masqueraded as The Devil. Santa is perverting Yahushua our Savior.
All good things come from God according to the Holy Bible. I am a very devout christian I only follow the truth that comes from the Bible only. Santa Claus is pure evil, he does not have powers, this is why I call Santa Claus, Satan Claus. I don't need any lies from Satan. I only follow the truth of God's Word and Santa is a big perverting liar that comes from Satan. Santa is a liar, and God is better than him.
Santa Claus does not exist anyway. Santa is Satan as a masqueraded angel of light to deceive many. Santa is called the great imposter perverting liar and thief who steal the minds away from children. Satan is a very great deceiver, many kids are tricked by him which is the devil. Parents need to lead their children to Yahushua our Precious Savior, not
Santa, Satan Claus. Satan Claus is a bad shepherd who misleads many kids, children are being misguided by Satan. Children come to Yahushua today and reject Santa because he is a great deceiver.
Got news for you, Davey. The "Lord God" didn't make the children. Their parents did. Possibly while drunk.
Oh, and Angel of Truth? You like anagrams? Well, here's one for you:
Four! Golf, ye suck!
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