Dear god, why do you think they call it "loosing the baby" when you misscarry? they dont come out and say "the organism did not recooperate".
Abortion is the removal of a Rapidly growing human being. how abou that? THAT is a true statement.
Why do murderers get charged with The Death of the baby as well when they kill a pregnant woman?
all I know is I am glad you jerk-off people are going to burn in hell. While all those children who were MURDERED before they were able to see the world will be up in heaven with the lord.
I will admit that people use inconsistent terminology, but please note that "miscarriage" is the consistently used medical term, and "losing the baby" tends to be used by laymen. My particular field of work has some very specialized terminology that normal people wouldn't understand, so they speak about it in less precise terms. The same thing happens in pretty much any field.
all those children who were MURDERED before they were able to see the world will be up in heaven with the lord.
According to your own value system, they're better off there than they would have been if they grew up to be non-believers and got sent to hell. Isn't that how fundies usually justify the mass murder of children in Canaan?
That's actually a point. We treat fetuses as "just lumps of flest", but when someone miscarries, then it's a tragedy and "losing the baby".
Doesn't change my mind on abortion, but it is a point in that it makes you think.
Maybe because the wannabe parents were planning to keep it? Of course. And clearly he doesn't see that this ruins his analogy. But it still made me think.
That's actually a point. We treat fetuses as "just lumps of flest", but when someone miscarries, then it's a tragedy and "losing the baby".
It's the same thing as how you treat a gift as a blessing but a theft as a tragedy. They're both simply something going from your posession into someone else's, the only difference is whether or not you wanted it to happen.
Dear Moondoggie,
They call it "losing the baby" because "spontanious abortion" bothers squeamish people. Pregnancy and abortions have nothing to do with "recooperation."
In an abortion, the cells being removed are NOT a "rapidly growing human being." They are blastocysts or an embryos which may become human beings. That is a true statement.
The double murder charge is a peculiar twist in the law which resulted from politicians trying to get people like you to vote for them.
Being pleased with the idea that people are being sent to eternal torment only shows your nasty and shallow character.
Remember, Moondoggie, those cells which were aborted were not children, babies or any other human beings.
Sit down and shut up until you can get the facts straight.
Best wishes,
Even my most religiously inclined relatives normally call a miscarriage a miscarriage, unless it's in the seventh or eighth month of gestation(and I wish people would figure out the difference between 'lose/losing' and 'loose/loosing'). WTH is 'recooperate' supposed to mean, and why is "The Death" capitalised?
As for that last paragraph: WTF was god thinking, sending 'babies' on that kind of fast turnaround, anyway? He's supposed to know what's gonna happen.
Taking delight and joy from the peospect of another human being damned to hell is the very definition of un-Christian thought.
And my friend called recently to tell me that he "lost a job" he had been bidding to get. He didn't have the job yet, but he wanted it, so when his bid was not accepted, he considered it "losing a job." The fetus is not a baby, but if the parents want the baby that will result from the fetus being born, then losing that fetus is essentially losing the baby they were hoping for. It's really a very simple concept.
Now God miscarries babies?, now can babies shrink?, should babies now cooperate with what?. If you´re implying that women who have a miscarriage are murderers, reconsider who killed the English language first.
Moondoggie2490, Until you can stop painting with a broad brush and delighting in the false idea that people you don't like are going to suffer, you need to
the fuck,
I agree about the murder thing, actually. If the mother aborts it, that's fine, because it's a fetus. But if a pregnant woman is killed, the murderer gets two murder charges? Come on. It's either a human being, or it isn't. The mother may get to choose if it stays in her body or not, but it isn't her choice if it's a person or not.
It's called "losing the baby" because you lost the POSSIBILITY of having a baby, the one you were expecting, not that you had one and you lost it. It's something that you wanted and expected and now you're not going to get it anymore.
Fetuses aren't babies. I've studied enough developmental biology to know that.
He actually does have a point about the murder thing; to suggest that abortion is not murder (which I agree it isn't) but killing a fetus is murder is inconsistent. Essentially the fetus' personhood is being defined by whether its mother wants it, and the idea of one person being able to decide whether something else is a person or not seems a dangerous one.
You forgot to read this book called The Bible.
Those unborn will all go to Hell. You remember, right...that part that says we were all born with sin.
Your god is a sick fuck just like you.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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