Gerald R. Thompson #fundie
I used to wonder why the nations would rage against God, but no longer. Today days of rage’ are common throughout the world, and there is no shortage of people who hate Jehovah and Jesus. God’s response? Jesus will rule over them with a rod of iron, in other words, rule them harshly against their will. God will not oppress the people, but He will not let them practice evil, and to their sin natures it will seem like oppression.
And why do the nations rage? Is it because they reject the Gospel and Jesus as Savior? No, it is because they want to get out from under the cords and bonds, i.e., restraints placed on them by God. Which is to say, the nations want to get out from under God’s law, because it is the law which constrains. It is no coincidence that the Antichrist will be called the lawless one. 2 Thes. 2:3-9. The main goal of the forces of evil is to escape the constraints of God’s laws.
Just imagine: during the Millennium, no one will be able to open a casino, start a house of worship for the moon-god, or become a recognized sex worker. All LGBT(QIA) activities (which are simply differing methods of engaging in homosexuality) will be banned. “Community organizing” will finally be recognized for what it is: rabble-rousing and meddling in nobody’s business, and be prohibited, notwithstanding the seal of approval of former Presidents.
No one will be allowed to openly promote or engage in pornography, idolatry, abortion, bribery and corruption, or a host of other profitable vices and sins. They will all be shut down. All the purveyors and teachers of false religions, humanism, atheism, materialism and evolution will go back into the closet for a thousand years. And unbelievers won’t be happy about it. Instead of tolerating and winking at vice, the Millennial kingdom will actually eliminate all public vice.
I don’t mean to suggest that all forms of sin will be eliminated – it won’t. I daresay many of the worst vices will continue to exist out of the public eye and in secret. Human nature and temptation will exist and continue during the Millennium as they do now.
But anyone practicing vice will have to do it at great personal peril, and this will be a vast change from our current situation. Those who wish to do evil will be frustrated at every turn, and that frustration will seethe and rage within them so that they bring themselves to the boiling point rather than repent and turn to Christ. They will instead plot in secret to overturn God’s rule of the earth.