Cold Foreign Object #fundie

Some of you may or may not know that I am writing a rather lengthy paper refuting the Theory of Evolution. All is going extremely well. The reason it is taking me much longer than I anticipated is the fact that it took me a year just to learn how to write. But another reason of delay is that during my research I have literally stumbled upon the most devasting evidence and accompanying argument that will destroy the Theory of Evolution. I had the classic: Eureka! I-Have- Found-It moment. It altered the entire vision and structure of my then existing paper. I had to "start over" so to speak and place this new and original evidence at the center as to which the "new" paper now revolves around.

I also want to report that my view has changed concerning microevolution. Before, like most Creationists, I robotically accepted the fact of microevolution. Now that I have personally researched the claim I have come to the unavoidable conclusion that microevolution is a fallacy at best, maybe even a misunderstanding among Creationists, but no such thing as microevolution has occurred on this planet or in nature.

Make no mistake, IF microevolution has occurred then Creationism is falsified. There is no way around it. But the facts and evidence will show that microevolution has not occurred: Creationism is true.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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