"Some of you may or may not know that I am writing a rather lengthy paper refuting the Theory of Evolution."
Tell it to the judge, Cold Failing Object.
"The reason it is taking me much longer than I anticipated is the fact that it took me a year just to learn how to write."
Oh no more, please Mr. Wilde, I am bereft of ribs! Oh yes, that's right. You haven't heard of Oscar Wilde, have you? It takes the ability to read to know who Oscar Wilde is, via his literature.
" during my research I have literally stumbled upon the most devasting evidence and accompanying argument that will destroy the Theory of Evolution. I had the classic: Eureka! I-Have- Found-It moment. It altered the entire vision and structure of my then existing paper. I had to "start over" so to speak and place this new and original evidence at the center as to which the "new" paper now revolves around"
So where were you when the defence team needed you at Kitzmiller vs. Dover, if what you've 'discovered' represents something so lethal to Evolution, pray tell...? Oh yes, that's right: your 'discovery' was only after Kitzmiller vs. Dover, and it's landmark precedent-setting decision; only two years after the fact [/hyper-sarcasm].
Oh yes, your 'discovery' would've swung it the defence's way, yessiree; making the evidence & testimony by their star witness Michael Behe - who is a Professor of Biochemistry - look like nothing. Oh yeah, his evidence was key to the defence's success...:
...and look how such a copypasta howler by him made their case fall apart, thus anything you could possibly say would've given the plaintiffs pause, and made the presiding judge decide for the defence, yessiree! [/hyper-sarcasm]
"Make no mistake, IF microevolution has occurred then Creationism is falsified. There is no way around it. But the facts and evidence will show that microevolution has not occurred: Creationism is true."
Post-2005, there's been the rise of the antibiotic-eating MRSA. And before then, Flavobacterium, which feeds on Nylon. A man-made material which didn't exist before the 20th Century. Thus microevolution, and by definition, macroevolution is proved. Ergo, Creationism is lies; and that's before I mention the above - in 2005 - Kitzmiller vs. Dover.
...oh, and 'IF.' [/Spartan Laconic Wit]
And I strongly recommend that you click on the quote link, o good peeps of FSTDT. Trust me, what the rest of that (very short) thread - especially by EvC's admin - says is classic. To say nothing of this (when one clicks the symbol next to Cold Failing Object's name:
Kinda sums up what this cuntbrain dares to say, and represents his real screename. >:D [/hyper-smug & ultra-superior]
(*Places note on the charred, crackling, smoking corpse of Cold Failing Onject's argument, which reads:*)
'Warmest regards, your Friendly Neighbourhood Argument Annihilator'
"It's no good just telling us you've got some wonderful essay proving your point, you need to let people read it!"
Two words: Kent Hovind.
Ah, you're way ahead of me, re. Ranpha Franboise, eh? Good. I consider it an insult if any & all pics I've posted here aren't used by anyone else in FSTDT. b^_^d
(Your Aino Minako pic has been Fricken Saved in turn)