"jesus never said a word about homosexuality—so how did making the lives of gay people miserable become the main (only?) tenet of ‘christianity’ ??
if the admonitions of the old testament are what we’re talking about then why isn’t anybody upset about people who shave or cut their hair ? people who eat shrimp ? parents who do not stone to death their disobedient children ? women who don’t move out of the house during their ‘unclean’ periods ? there’s a whole lot of stuff that the old testament god had problems with besides ‘men lying with men’."
Hey pollack! Have you ever seen a guy put his pecker in the butthole of another guy and create life? Do you understand the laws of nature even if you can’t admit something greater than man created it? Do you have your head so far up your ass you can’t see the damage that faggots have created? Of course not—you’re mentally twisted and therefore blind to truth.
Are these people too stupid to understand that homosexuals are NOT the only ones who engage in anal or oral sex? Many straight couples do too.
"Do you understand the laws of nature even if you can’t admit something greater than man created it?"
--Sure, over 1,500 species engage in homosexual activity, but only one species engages in homophobia. The laws of nature would indicate that homosexuality is natural while homophobia is not.
When you can't defend your position, go on the attack.
So the only good sex is procreative sex? So then why doesn't God admonish people who are infertile to not have sex? Why doesn't God prohibit heterosexual oral or anal sex?
Hey pollack! Have you ever seen a guy put his pecker in the butthole of another guy and create life? Do you understand the laws of nature even if you can’t admit something greater than man created it? Do you have your head so far up your ass you can’t see the damage that faggots have created? Of course not
you’re mentally twisted and therefore blind to truth.
Hey cracka! Have you ever seen a guy avoid another guy's question to create bullshit? Do you understand the laws of logic & courtesy even if you are too inbred to admit someone may have a point far greater than yours? Do you have your head so far up your ass you can’t see the damage that fundies have created? Of course not
you’re mentally twisted and therefore blind to truth.
...Do you sing hymns with that mouth?
"IslandLifer"? What Island? Guantanamo? Alcatraz? Three-Mile?
And what's with this "Pollack" business? Are you going to insult Irish people next? How quaint! Do you use slide-rulers and listen to Edison cylinders, too?
How do you know the guy asking the question is Polish? Does this person have a Pole-centric screenname or avatar? He could be Chinese for all we know!
Yes! I'm back! I've been on the Forum a lot but now I'm checkin' out the main site, again! Howdyado, KittyKaboom?! Still exploding with wondrous feline fuzziness? Me, too!
I never understood why homosexuality is "unnatural" because two guys, or gals, can't make babies. If you think about it, wouldn't be more unnatural if the two guys/gals COULD make babies?
Besides which, if you're using reproduction as your (piss poor) definition of whats natural, then you're no better. "Unnatural" activities would include using your computer, sleeping, eating, praying, walking, looking, breathing, etc.
A majority of things you do in life has little to nothing to do with making babies, yet life manages to go on. Wtf makes non-procreative sex acts so damn special in this respect?
Hey pollack! Have you ever seen a guy put his pecker in the butthole of another guy and create life? Do you understand the laws of nature even if you can’t admit something greater than man created it? Do you have your head so far up your ass you can’t see the damage that faggots have created? Of course not
you’re mentally twisted and therefore blind to truth.
No, nothing about the Bible or Christianity in there, either.
The best part being that pollack insult. If he`d ever wonder into our country, he`d fell just like home in texas or wherever...
We`re pretty much THE most conservative country in EU(regrettably so)
"Have you ever seen a guy put his pecker in the butthole of another guy and create life?"
Elton John and David Furnish would like a word with you, pal. And better not watch the anime series "Vandread" - specifically the initial premise of the scenario - if you know what's good for you.
<3 :3
For the viewers at home, the question was:
"...so how did making the lives of gay people miserable become the main (only?) tenet of christianity’?"
BRAAP! Oh! So close, but I'm sorry IslandLifer, your obtuse rant about buttholes is not the right answer!
Let's see if you do better in the bonus round!
Jesus said, "Love thy neighbor as yourself" and, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
For 10 points: Does this sound like a refutation of Leviticus to you? ... and for an extra 5 points: Why do you hate both Jesus and yourself?
Edit: Damn, Pak, must be a wavelength thing!
So, is "does it create life" your litmus test for ALL of those rules that the OP mentioned? If so, have you ever seen a parent not stone their child to death and create life? Have you ever seen a guy shave his beard and create life? Have you ever seen a guy eat shrimp and create life?
I'm not sure why these people are so against acts that don't create life, considering that most of the life heterosexual sex creates consists of foreigners, LGBT people, etc whom they all wish were dead anyway.
Hey fucktard. Yeah, you, IslandLifer. Are you fucking retarded? You believe that homosexuality is wrong because it cannot create life? Here's a list of other things you disagree with based on this logic:
Oral sex
Anal sex
Holding hands
Being nice
Not being nice
Owning a pet
Worshiping any form of God
Being religious
Not being religious
Also anything else that isn't full blown man on woman sex.
Here's a list of things that are not covered by that logic:
Do you see my point?
What about heterosexuals who cannot procreate?
Yet again we have an example of the so-called christian who focuses on the sexual activities of other. The bare-faced prurience of this escapes their notice. It is really a form of pornographic imagination run wild. Any sane and normal person is not unduly concerned of interested in what other people do in the privacy of their homes/bedrooms. But these 'christians' are. They resort to crude terminology and pervert the VISIBLE practice of nature to the exigency of their own prejudice.
IslandLifer's knowledge and interest in a subject that most normal-minded people do not even consider, seems to hint at an issue he/she has not yet had the courage to face. I think that the final phrase is really a telling projection of an inner and perhaps even unrecognised condition.
"Hey pollack! Have you ever seen a guy put his arm in the sleeve of a shirt and create life? Do you understand the laws of nature even if you can’t admit something greater than man created it? Do you have your head so far up your ass you can’t see the damage that clothiers have created? Of course not
you’re mentally twisted and therefore blind to truth."
Fantastic argument, isn't it?
Hey pollack! Have you ever seen a guy put his pecker in the butthole of another guy and create life?
You heard it here. IslandLifer is against the menopausal and the infertile from having rights. I mean since clearly the only criteria is the ability to pop out a brood they clearly don't deserve to live a life like you "normals," too, right?
Do you understand the laws of nature even if you can’t admit something greater than man created it?
Careful with "laws of nature," there. Considering several animals exhibit homosexual behavior in the wild, it clearly is natural. Try again.
Do you have your head so far up your ass you can’t see the damage that faggots have created?
What damage? Go on now. Be scpecific.
Of course not
you’re mentally twisted and therefore blind to truth.
Yes, we're blind to teh truth. Gotcha. The eople denying others the right to live their lives in peace and happiness are the ones who are righteous and Godly.
Then why aren't you more angry at Durex? or Trojan? Why aren't you picketing outside IVF clinics?
The law of nature is that if it occurs in nature, it's natural. Even if one species is capable of it, it's natural; otherwise we should be shutting down the airports since it's not natural for a human to defy gravity for extended periods of time.
why isn’t anybody upset about people who shave or cut their hair ? people who eat shrimp ? parents who do not stone to death their disobedient children ? women who don’t move out of the house during their unclean’ periods ?
The usual response to those questions is "Those other rules were nailed to the cross with Jesus, but homosexuality is still an abomination." Most Christians at least try to rationalize it, but IslandLifer here has to take the low road and like so many other homophobes graphically describe gay sex, but also resort to name calling.
If this is the best your lot has to offer, you've long since lost the argument.
Thank you for the Pinky-huggies!
*returns the favor*
Cool! We can be 'splodey all over with our fluffy, bodacious NeoPagan fuzz!
Spuki: Yeah, huge pix of elephant shit. About 25 of them. Along with the message (misspelled, of course), "This is what your site is worth."
Here is a birdbrain, which has a penchant for waving it's pecker about, and is a danger to everyone around it:
And also a turkey.
Whilst on the piscine theme in this thread, here is a large, slimy, ugly lifeform which spawns young uglier than itself, is lucky to have emerged from the ocean, and deserves to die:
The other is a fish.
Do you have your head so far up your ass you can’t see the damage that faggots have created?
Gee, I guess so. They haven't created any damage that I've ever seen.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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