one thing that always intrigues me is time is based on Jesus and his walk to the cross... [He] must of been doing some cool [CENSORED] to be that important that time is based on his very existance...
The measurement of time is a human invention. For centuries after Christ's death, the Church basically controlled...everything, really. It's not hard to figured out who decided to set Christ's birth as year one (plus or minus a couple years, of course).
So your point is...the Church thought Jesus' birth was important? Uh, no shit?
Yep. Time itself is based on it. It's half past Crucifixion right now, I woke up at Resurrection o' clock, and will be taking a vacation next Crownofthornsday.
Here's a clue: if you're talking about the Gregorian calendar...guess what the religious preference of the person who made it was...
one thing that always intrigues me is that the "time" based on Jesus is wrong by at least several years. The guys who set up the calender must have been really deluded to make such an egregious error.
See, I can say really fucked up and stupid things, too, that have no basis in reality.
“one thing that always intrigues me is time is based on Jesus and his walk to the cross...”
You mean his birth, right? Surely you can’t be THAT ignorant.
But, yeah, we anchor time on Jssu.
Unless you’re Hebrew. Or Islamic. Or Chinese. Or Hindu. Or Buddhist.
Or in some science fiction futures, it’ll be based on the Atomic Bomb. Or Atomic Power. Or Spaceflight.
Each culture can pick something they think is signifficant, and try to count backwards to the beginning of that ‘age,’ and stamp their calendars.
The cool thing is that if enough people believe in the power of the Church, Jesus doesn’t even have to have really existed to be the titular anchor of our calendar.
"[He] must of been doing some cool [CENSORED] to be that important that time is based on his very existance...”
Okay. THen you have to wonder what the god Janus was doing that was worth him getting January named after him.
and Mars, for March.
And Julius Caesar, for July.
Then why Thor got Thursdays?
Freya got Fridays?
Man, you’re overimpressed by what was essentially an executive order.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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