Don Croft #fundie
The clown image of Google is an effective meme to hide the NSA's actual nature so I'm going to re-share a story told to Carol and I, personally, by the late Stephen J Smith, author of 'NSA: Citadel of Evil,' which has a link on EW's homepage.
We met him in Portland, Oregon, about six years ago after he contacted me in email. He was about my age (I was born in 49) which is an element in the story since what he related took place in the mid 1950s during his childhood. When he was six or seven, he was working as a psychic for the NSA, stealing technical secrets from the Russian and other government agencies. He told us that the NSA uses countless children this way, then before they reach puberty they're murdered in a typically terrifying and gruesome way. Apparently, this is an economy issue since the energy released by the events feeds the NSA, sort of like the way money does. In his case, he remembers being in a crematorium with several other small children and NSA personnel were throwing living kids into the crematory, one by one as the others watched and screamed. He was tossed in feet first and the door was closed. Then he found himself standing outside the building with badly burned feet. He never recovered the full use of his feet and when me met him he had a lot of difficulty walking.
I want you to have this image of terror in your mind every time you hear or see 'NSA' or 'Google.' The Babylonians and all of their clone cultures throughout the middle east (including the Phoenicians) conducted large scale sacrifice of small children, not unlike the way the Spanish found the Aztecs doing though in the case of the Babylonians there was a lot more terror from the victims, who were thrown in the presence of their parents into a furnace. The present day order is evidently patterned on the Babylonian culture. Even though freemasonry/theosophy's lower rituals are an imitation of the Jewish temple rituals their human sacrifice rituals are Babylonian, hence the owl (Moloch) idol at Bohemian Grove and the large owl's head 'garden' behind the US Capitol Building.
Stephen contacted me to request a modest monthly stipend so that he could develop a free energy engine as a way to extract some payback from the NSA by marketing the plans for free. He evidently had the plans in his head but had no money. He probably knew that giving away the plans without having a working model to show was pointless. I wasn't able to afford it but he did find an investor and apparently built a prototype engine, then he was immediately murdered.
Even if I could have afforded it I doubt I'd have helped him because the only other free energy inventor I knew, Wilhelm Muller had been murdered and I'm not inclined to help someone get killed. The stranger part is that he was apparently killed in a way that we could probably have prevented. He had described to Carol and I a method that the NSA use to kill people that is a high tech version of how people are killed with the use of voodoo dolls. In this case, the 'doll' is a living but confined victim who is psychically linked to the target, then methodically killed. The target then dies that way, too.
Soon after he explained that, Dooney was apparently attacked that way and if we didn't have that information to share with the others in teh weekly chat she might have died. She nearly did. She's quite robust these days, by the way. Stephen was quite suspicious of others, understandably.
The other time Stephen was rescued from a murder attempt was when he was in his late teens. NSA employees, after having failed to murder him through the use of psychotropic drugs and associated aggression, threw him from the roof of the high building they were torturing him in. The only injury he suffered was (if memory serves) a broken leg and they pretty much left him alone after that, though he was never able to get employment, in spite of his genius and considerable skills.
He was a close friend of Phil Schneider's and was with him in Schneider's Portland apartment the day before he was strangled in 1997. He told us that the death towers are, among many other things, amplifiers for gov't psychic predators. Blending high tech with ancient dirty magic is a sewer rat agency forte, in case you didn't know.