Yah sent Harvey on Friday night -- the beginning of the 7th day shabbat as outlined in the 4th commandment of every Bible in this United States of America.
And, according to this chart, Irma made landfall as the 7th strongest storm of all time:
Yahshua is trying to tell the Body of Christ in America to STOP breaking the 7th day shabbat.
From Friday sundown to Saturday sundown we, as followers of Christ are:
1. NOT to do any work.
2. Not buy and/or sell
3. Not make anyone else buy and/or sell.
We are supposed to use Fri night to Sat night to:
1. Pray,
2. Praise and worship Messiah Yahshua
3. Gather with friends and family to study the Bible and pray and fellowship
4. Eat really good food
5. Go on nice hikes
6. Enjoy His creation -- looking at the beautiful world he has made
7. Take a nap, rest, relax!!!
Shabbat is a blessing for those who observe it and it is COMMANDED for any follower of Christ to do!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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