David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
The Federal Reserve banking system is a massive fraud, and has been since its inception in 1913. The scam is generational, pillaging each generation as slaves on the market, stealing men's homes, forcing them to work a lifetime just to die broke, et cetera. It's a modern form of servitude. As long as the newsmedia keeps convincing us that we are the free world, we buy into it. Stalin said the same thing to his followers, calling them “free.” Indeed, they were all slaves, and many found out when they chose not to go along anymore, ending up in a Siberian workcamp as a prisoner to starve, rot and die. The now forming corrupt government under Homeland Security will make Stalin's regime look like Sunday School teacher convention. Stalin was notorious for lying, saying one thing while doing another. President Obama, true to Stalin's nature, has done the same thing repeatedly since taking office in 2004. People go by what they see and hear, not by what actually happens. That's why people laugh and look at you like you're crazy when you try to teach them about the New World Order; while the very money in their bill-fold mocks their woeful ignorance, displaying over 100 occult symbols on every U.S. one dollar bill. IN YOUR FACE AMERICA!!!
Nearly everything is a deceiving lie these days... from religion to what the newsmedia tells you. Most of what we hear is intended to lead us astray and fill our minds with misinformation. The goal is to prevent us from learning the truth. You'll find the truth hidden in movies, mocking the woefully ignorant public. People have a tendency to believe the lies spoon-fed to them by the lying newsmedia, while not believing the 100% truth right in front of their faces in a Hollywood movie. It's the most bizarre phenomena I've ever seen. People see the truth in movies and don't get it. Yet, they buy into every lie that the media throws at them. It's unbelievable!