I see well:
Q:Who remilitarized the Rhineland, in direct violation of Versailles in 1934?
A:Hitler. Too bad France and Britain didn't stand up tho his ass right then and there.
Q: True or false, Hitler authorized the Luftwaffe to bomb Spain and gave arms and supplies to Spanish Fascists.
A: True, the painting Gunernica actually depicts a Nazi bombing raid in 1937.
Q:Which world leader, in 1938 bullied Austria into allowing the German military into their country, then rigged a sham election allowing the Nazis to take over, was it A: FDR, B: Nevill Chamberlin, C: Adolf Hilter, or D: Joseph Stalin?
A: C, Adolf Hitler.
Q: Name the world leader who bullied Checkoslovakia into giving up its territory in 1938?
A: A tricky question, but the correct answer is Hitler, even though Britain and France let him get away with it.
Q: Name the country that Nazi Germany attacked in 1939, after staging a fake attack by this country, that triggered a massive World War.
A: Poland
Q: What nation did Hitler break a treaty with in June, 1941 launching the bloodiest war in human history?
A: Soviet Union
Q: With what country did Hitler declare war on in December of 1941 for really no good reason?
A: The United States
So who caused World War II boys and girls?