anonymous #fundie
Demons live inside clones. Jesus died for all sins committed by all.
Jesus said that you have to drink His blood.
All people have soul, body, and spirit.
In animals, blood substitutes soul.
That's why you're forbidden to drink animal blood. Animals don't have spirit.
You're forbidden to drink human blood (like during blood transfusion) because sins transfer.
You're told to drink blood of Jesus (because He's sinless) so that your sins are forgiven.
Dogs are not allowed in your home and your church because the Holy Spirit will leave.
Supposedly, white magic helps people, while black magic harms, but, in reality, both cause harm. Casting spells is asking demons for help.
Thoughts and dreams have 3 sources:
1)God and angels,
Most thoughts and dreams are from demons.
Demons never do good.
Pray the Jesus prayer slowly always:
"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner."
To have normal sleep, pray to your guardian angel. Also, sleep clothed.