dad #fundie

Those that oppose God, and refuse to knuckle under, come to the point of deserving to be killed. If a cow is diseased, with, say, mad cow disease, you don't grant it equal rights, you put it down. If a dog bites a kid's face off, and is rabid, foaming at the mouth, it needs to be killed, not out infecting and maiming others. God has needed to kill some vile peoples, that fought Him, and His. My best advice is don't fight God. You will lose. If you are a city full, so will your city, in some cases, as a merciful overseer knows would be needed. Crying about those wicked that had to be put down, and accusing God of doing it for less than purest of reasons, is self righteous ignorance of the facts. The numbers God had to cull, really are dwarfed by the wicked, greedy, filthy, useless wars of man, for no good reason! I read that about 42 million unborn kids each year are snuffed, hacked, burned, or otherwise mutilated, and destroyed. In 10 years, one decade, that is about the population of the US, Canada, and Australia, and then some, if my rough count was right!! Every decade!!! Not to mention the man made famines caused by greed, and wickedness, and selfishness of man! Then there is the pollution and cancers, and other diseases, and death dealing devices of wicked man, and his world!! Then we get into the millions slaughtered on the highways, by wicked driving, drunkenness, speeding, and etc!!! Then there are the wars, and all those WOMD that will be used some day, as well as the cluster bombs, and village destroying bombs, etc, already used!!! This world is but a graveyard, and wicked, pipsqueak man trying to point his dirty little finger at a pure, and just, and loving, and righteous, and concerned, and saving God, is a conceited, cowardly, cocky, two bit, and twisted travesty!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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