Racheli Reckles #fundie #homophobia breslev.co.il

[JONAH, a Jewish gay conversion therapy organization, was found guilty of consumer fraud.]

First, this case sets a new standard for leftist censorship in the name of my favorite term, "progressive life choices." In the name of allowing the left to express its freedom of expression, it silences those whose beliefs veer more towards the middle or the right. In other words, if you don't agree with the nosedive that morality is taking in the United States, you just better shut up or risk being labeled a bigot, hater, or prude. Rav Lazer Brody said it best: "They advocate their First Amendment rights to free speech, but they've killed mine."


The second major issue this court case exposes is what I believe to be the intentional breakdown of traditional values. Now, homosexuality is perceived as something normal, not to be shied away from, and furthermore, something to be celebrated. It is not a disorder that needs to be treated; it is now a normal and healthy expression of physical desires. It follows, then, that if homosexuality is a normal, healthy state of being, then there is nothing wrong with two men or two women or whatever twisted combinations we can think of getting married and raising a family.


Now that gay marriage is well on its way to being legalized in every state, the United States has reached a point of no return. Gone are traditional life and family values. Parents, it's time to open your eyes wide to the future you are placing your families in. The wise ones will see that there is no hope for a normal future in what has become “Land of the Depraved.”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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