Television is saturated with insane commercials that show a person happy and smiling if they take a certain drug, but then the company lists all the dangerous risks of taking the drug. Such commercials are disturbing to say the least. It's almost like they're mocking the stupidity of the American public. I'm a firm believer in natural remedies where they are available.
So be careful about blindly trusting your doctor(s). Read up on the drug you're about to take. Ask questions, especially if you're being given a half-dozen prescriptions at the same time like I was. The human body can only take so much abuse. I assumed that my doctor knew what he was doing, but obviously he didn't, because the pharmacy had to issue warnings about the serious drug interactions that I would very likely encounter. That's just insane in my opinion!
You cannot poison your body into health with drugs, chemo or radiation. The homeopathic approach treats the whole body, ignites the body's internal healing force and stimulates the body's natural abilities to heal itself. Health can only be achieved with healthful living.
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