Above photo: A popular Iams dog food commercial which appeared on television in early 2013. The woman is apparently a soldier returning on furlough. The commercial is disgusting, clearly suggestive, making it appear that the man-sized dog is having sex with her. I don't have a dirty mind, I have a man's mind, and this picture is highly suggestive of bestiality. Women shouldn't behave like that anyway, it's uncouth and disgusting.
This is the picture he is talking about:
Yes, Davey, you do have a dirty mind.
This picture is positively lovely!
As for Stewie here, I`m of the opinion he should be held in a small padded room with no furniture, but then again I`m almost ceratain he`d just go on ranting about how the buttons on the padding make the whole place sexual and immoral.
A woman? In uniform?
You don't have a dirty mind? YOU don't have a dirty mind?
Yours is the dirtiest mind in Guam, dumbass!
Men shouldn't be diddling kiddies, it's uncouth and disgusting.
I've seen the ad. A very large dog who hadn't seen his mommy for a long time got so happy he knocked her down, then proceeded to smother her with doggy-kisses and make happy noises.
Neither overtly nor covertly sexual.
You're a disgusting asswipe, Dave.
I'd suggest you get a dog just so you can see how amazing the human-dog connection can be and how much unconditional love those beautiful creatures bring into your life.
But I won't. You'd probably just fuck it.
I don't have a dirty mind
David J. Stewart went to a psychiatrist for an inkblot test. The psychiatrist held up the first inkblot. "That looks like two people having sex," said Davey. Next picture, "That looks like people having sex." The psychiatrist held up about a dozen inkblots, and every time Davey said, "That looks like people having sex."
"I think I know what your problem is, Mr. Stewart. You're obsessed with sex," the psychiatrist said.
Davey replied, "Well, you're the one showing me all the dirty pictures."
You're a god damn pedophile, everything about you is disgusting! Only a diseased mind like yours could see what happens in that commercial as sexual. What's next, someone posts a video of a female cat walking around her male humans feet rubbing his legs and purring, and you declare she's a whore.
He would only molest the poor dog for the first year, then she would be too old for the hypocritical piece of shit.
I don't have a dirty mind
Sometimes, you can't say "I'm not" some negative thing. It's a judgment reserved to other people to make.
@Doubting Thomas
Animaniacs reference--am I right? Or maybe you are alluding to some other work Animaniacs also alludes to?
@Goomy pls:
I have no idea about Animaniacs, but it's an old joke which I thought was appropriate here. Davey sees sex everywhere . Remember when he was talking about how Taylor Swift was writhing around barely dressed in one of her videos, and the video in question was very benign concert footage?
For whoever's interested, here's the full commercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVeBHwRbXB0
As usual, Davey's perverted mind is finding sex where there is none. He's so sexually repressed I bet he thinks the Christian side hug is too sexual.
Once again, Dave, you're the only one that saw it that way. I'm actually starting to feel bad for you, and I didn't think that was even possible. But you're SO sex obsessed that it can only be explained by you being repressed to an insane degree. I don't know if it was your church or your parents, but someone done fucked you up so bad you think a dog tackling its owner is sex. Oh, and by the way, dogs don't have sex like that. They do it "doggy" style.
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a man's mind"
Aaaaand, there went my irony detector. I'll be forwarding the bill.
I hate commercials, but that's one of the few I used to actually pause for a moment to watch because it's cute. That dog just acts like a big, sweet baby who's happy to see his mommy.
Not only do you have a dirty mind, you've just demonstrated once again that you're totally incapable of looking at a woman in any context without seeing something sexual. Instead of ranting about it being every woman's job to cover up so you won't have the urge to do something bad, why don't you just have yourself locked up? Oh, yeah.....
I don't have a dirty mind,
*hears a strange buzzing noise*
Um Dave...You owe me a new irony meter.
++"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a man's mind"
No, you have an Abrahamic theist's mind (with a generous dash of pedophile thrown in). That cult prides itself in its ability to find a way to squeeze a sexual "sin" out of any conceivable thing or situation no matter how innocent.
"A popular Iams dog food commercial which appeared on television in early 2013. The woman is apparently a soldier returning on furlough. The commercial is disgusting, clearly suggestive, making it appear that the man-sized dog is having sex with her."
Ding Dong! [/Leslie Philips ] =^_^= X3
I've seen that commercial dozens of times before reading this quote, and never once did I ever get the hint of something sexual. That says more about DJS than it does me. Of course, he's so sexually repressed he probably thinks a woman in a burka is a filthy whore for daring to be out in public and reminding him that women exist.
You don't have to agree with any war but have some respect for those soldiers, Diddler. And because you actually kind of pissed me off, have one of these.
And two more just because it's you!
I think we can count "I don't have a dirty mind, I have a man's mind" as his madness mantra now.
And this is on the same level as the last quote he used it in where literally just the appearance of a woman made his "man's mind" think of the sickest stuff imaginable. Shit like this is why you're not allowed to leave Guam, Dave.
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a man's mind"
"I am Elmer J. Fudd, millionaire. I own a mansion and a yacht."
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a man's mind"
It came out of this jar, labeled "Abby, Somebody...."
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a man's mind"
It could use a bit more oxygen, but otherwise it's just fine, thank you! Here, I made this hole. See for yourself!
OK, I've done better, but I'm out.
Really, we need a "David J. Stewart Says the Darndest Things" at this point. This guy is the craziest of the crazy in terms of Internet fundies, in terms of both the content of his rants and the sheer amount of them. And he's been around for at least a decade now, too.
That looks like an Irish wolfhound. It will knock to the ground even the largest man in uniform.
And you do have a dirty mind as that isn't a position in which a dog would fuck. It's called "doggy style" for a reason.
"I don't have a dirty mind"
Hahaha... Oh wait, you're serious? Let me laugh even harder. WHAHAHAHA!!
Seriously, though, only a person with a very sick dirty mind would think that hugging your pet equals having sex with it.
...But then again, what else to expect from a child molester.
Is this not enough to have the guy finally thrown in a mental institution and be chemically castrated?
Number of reason to disprove homosexual in other creatures
1) In some animals both sexes look like to the where the point, that the animals such as penguins get confused.
2) Humping means displaying dominance.
The Animal Homosexuality Myth - narth
Stand to Reason | Does Homosexual Behavior in Animals Mean it's ...
www.str.org/ .../does-homosexual-behavior-in-animals-mean-it-s-natural-for...
@OHP uh no he doesn't have the Abrahamic God. I don't know what god he worship, but he doesn't worship the Abrahamic Lord, since that Mr. SteWART is a women hater. And please don't lie to my face to say that the Hebrew God is also, and you might not well show me scriptures because all you non christian are cherry pickers word twister. Don't lie I read and watch christians apologists, who is disproving what you Hebrew God haters is doing. God doesn't kill innocent people but people who are cruel and evil. If you read the whole bible then why talk about his punishment? What about His graces and mercys. Oh because of cherry picking and twist the scriptures. God always gave evil and cruel humans a million chances to turn around. If they refuse after the 10th thousand times,well then God just going to have to destroy them. Ps killing doesn't always means murdering, and if you think do then go support banning guns.
Is the God of the Old Testament a Merciless Monster ...
Did God Commit Atrocities by Ordering the Killing of Entire Cities of ...
@OHP if you are wondering about the children well God takes them to heaven. However only God can do this because He is a giver of life and He can take away life. Don't start "but it not fair" just zip it. Stop treating God like a human because He is not. "However, the Bible also indicates that children are incapable of making moral choices, so that they are automatically rewarded with heaven.12 So, in having babies killed, God is actually doing them a favor" qouted by Rich Deem.
Oh boy, time to misquote Pixar's greatest film!
"Hello master! I have just met you, and I hate you!"
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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