Scripture interprets scripture. That's a pretty basic rule. There are things that seem contradictory but upon careful study you realize that your original interpretation was not correct. Scripture does not contradict, so if verses seem to contradict, it's up to you to find out what it really means. Have you ever studied the different interpretations of the verses you gave? Again the verses I gave are clear and cannot be interpreted any other way.
How dare you, GreenEyedLilo. You know darn well he's a humble Christian and has turned all of his pride and arrogance over to the Lord. They don't agree with him, he agrees with them ... when they're 'properly interpreted' of course.
MAT 1:16 And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.
LUK 3:23 And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli.
If thats not contradictory, then I dunno what is.
So basically, the Bible is inerrant, and if it seems otherwise, it's up to you to MAKE it make sense, no matter how absurd the mental gymnastics?
I can understand and accept that people who feel a strong need to believe feel this way.
But what I will never accept is all those who feel this way, and then goes out and donates their life savings to campaigns against gay marriage, or goes out with signs that say "God Hates Fags", or refuses medical attention and/or blood transfusions for their children and so on...
When it comes to certain things they are so very certain that their interpretation of things is correct that they are willing to oppress, die and sometimes even kill for it. But when it comes to answering the question "How can the Bible be true when it contradicts itself?" things are suddenly a bit vague and up to interpretation...
Scripture does not contradict, so if verses seem to contradict, it's up to you to decide that the holy text means something quite different from what the words on paper say -- unless of course you've found a part that agrees with you, in which case the Word of God is the Word of God, and it says what it says.
If that book of yours didn't contradict itself, there would only be one Christian denomination instead of hundreds of combative sects, and every member would be happy... and truly moral... and intelligent enough to embrace reality.
"There are things that seem contradictory but upon careful study you realize that your original interpretation was not correct."
Wow! Admitting that you might be wrong about the Bible is pretty mature. Not very fundie, either. You seem pretty smart!
"Have you ever studied the different interpretations of the verses you gave?"
Again, a sign of openness to experience! How enlightened! Why is this enlightened quote even on here, anyway?
"Again the verses I gave are clear and cannot be interpreted any other way."
Oh, that's why.
As a retired high school teacher, I saw the same phenomenon repeatedly in certain parents. Those parents start with the same premise. My child will not lie and it is the fault of the teachers or the school whenever there is a problem.
After that it did not matter what occured that parent could twist the facts and support the original conclusion. It did not matter how obvious the lies and contradictions were coming from the child. The parent was there to defend him or her at all costs.
This would go on for years until the child was so blatant in action that the police or other authorities had him red handed. Sooner or later that parent's house of cards of self delusion came crashing down.
Such is the course of events for many a person of the mindset of ryanb6. It does not happen to all or even a majority but the time does come to many. And when it does it is devastating. It takes years to recover from the delusion.
This forum is populated by many who simply could not sustain the self delusion that the bible is a coherent whole. We could not sustain the delusion that it is a moral document. Our ability to think indepently simply ruled out the possibility that we could continue to believe that the bible is the infalible word of god.
For those such as ryan the repetition of the statement of delusion, "there are things that seem contradictory but upon careful study you realize that your original interpretation was not correct", is necessary to sustain the ability to continue to believe in something so ultimately untenable.
Simple honesty is just too devastating to the psyches of those that so deperately wish to believe in the face of all evidence. Perhaps ignorance IS bliss.
upon careful study you realize that your original interpretation was not correct
Ah, so you admit your interpretations of scripture can be wrong!
the verses I gave are clear and cannot be interpreted any other way
Except for some reason sometimes they can't be wrong.
Wait, what?
1. the Scripture is true.
2. Does the Scripture contradict itself?
3. Yes? You must be wrong, keep reading.
4. No? Now you're getting it!
Like the part where Judas died in two different ways and Jesus died at two different times. Good stuff.
Scripture interprets scripture except whey bigotry is more convenient to answer one's personal hates or fears.
What a facile and flexible system. Nothing is clear. Everything can be intertreted to buggery and back again and even when I'm worng I'm right.
Science interprets science. That's a pretty basic rule. There are things that seem contradictory but upon careful study you realize that your original interpretation was not correct. Science does not contradict, so if facts seem to contradict, it's up to you to find out what it really means. Have you ever studied the different interpretations of the facts you gave? Again the facts I gave are clear and cannot be interpreted any other way.
Fixed... still logically fallicious, just as correct as the original, and guaranteed to have ryanb6 declare it wrong.
He won't get it though...
So if Scripture proves you right, it must be correct? But if it contradicts what your saying or proves you WRONG, then we're misinterpreting it?? I mean, whaa?
How do you interpret the different orders of creation in Genesis 1 and 2?
I'd say that the reason for the contradictions is that there are many different authors over a couple of thousand years, and the thing has been revised so many times for so many reasons that it doesn't hold together that well.
"Scripture interprets scripture. That's a pretty basic rule"
According to Scripture, insects have four legs.
'Interpret' this , bitch:
Go ahead. Count 'em. Now, either (check one):
[ ] Something happened between Scriptural 'interpretation' of Genesis and today, thus Evolution is proven to happen, destroying literal Scripture as the above proves Scripture wrong. Reality contradicts Scripture, thus Christainity - certainly literal interpretation of Scripture, the basis of YEC - is annihilated.
[ ] God is a liar as he breaks his own 9th Commandment; he's also burning in Hell, as per those two words in Revelation 21:8. Isn't God as 'Omniscient ' as Scripture claims? His own verses are clear and cannot be re interpreted in any other way. [/'Apologetics']
Choose wisely.
...oh, and 'Interpretation' contradicts the whole concept of the Bible being the literal 'Word of God'. As in If it says it that way, it means it that way. No 'Interpretation' allowed.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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