I just had a stroke yesterday, and lost almost all sensation and strength in my right arm. I was having an argument with my neighbor, interestingly about chemtrails, when I felt a pop and the cool rush of blood in my brain, at the lower right rear base of the skull, just above the hairline on my neck. I was showing him the blizzard of particles and aerosol in a high-power LED flashlight, and got upset from his constant and insistent delusional denial that it was "chemtrails". Then pop. I can't write anymore, and can only type with my left hand. This is not a joke story, it is not funny, and I am not going to argue with idiots that debate this. After looking up "chemtrails" and "strokes", there definitely appears to be a strong correlation. I am only 40, I eat perfectly healthy (brown rice, some cheese, vegetables), drink only filtered water and coffee, slim and formerly very athletic. I never drink or do unhealthy things. I have never had any health problems at all until this.
I know this is killing us. Enjoy. I am not going to comment further, unless I see a legitimate question. I was the planes all night - they have shifted from a mix of day/night spraying, to just 3-5 during the day, and about 20 at night (all in the same flightpath). I do not live in an area where any commercial jets have any routes at all. Everyone is going to pay a heavy price for this, guaranteed.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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